ABWA - 2nd Annual Feb Dive.

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Yes, I think the word of the day for yesterday was COLD!

I was another of the 'wet' divers, w/ my wife and 2 more from Montgomery.

When we arrived, the air temp was 36, warmed up to about 42 by the tiem we entered the water for the first dive. Made it down to the schoolbus, back to the dolphin then up. My wife had a headcold/sinus infection about 2 weeks ago that gave her some vertigo problems, so she sat out the 2nd dive.

We dried off, warmed up (that hot shower is a lifesaver), grabbed some coffee & hot cocoa, then went back for the 2nd dive.
By then, the air temp was a little warmer than water, so that second shock was invigorating to say the least. We pretty much did a bottom crawl out to the middle to the deep cliff part, explored the cliff then made our way back to the 2nd (back) dock. Everywhere we went, the water temp was a constant 52.
Visibility was bad between 30-60 feet, below 70 it cleared up nicely.
The ground breaking for the new Dome looks good, going to make diving there in summer and winter MUCH more enjoyable.
These were only my 13th and 14th dives, certainly the most unique to date. Now we know how polar bears and penguins feel.
Oh, and our new aluminum tanks (yellow and blue) worked great, after my buds got my strapped tightened down :)

Yes, I think the word of the day for yesterday was COLD!

Well... that wasn't the word I used. :) But it was a great dive even though I didn't feel like going on the second dive. Who knew that two weeks wasn't long enough after a head cold to go diving. I'm just glad I had a great group with us diving, and they knew what my hand signals meant when I said I was dizzy. Either that or they thought I was telling them I was crazy...one or the other.

PS... I recommend the Sea Signs class to anyone who hasn't taken it yet. This was the first dive that where hubby and I could actually use a few of the signs and understand what we were saying to each other. Too bad we didn't learn the sign for "I'm dizzy and I think I'm going to get sick".

PSS... My hands and feet are finally warm again!
Well guys I can add my report for the day as well.

I want to start off by saying that all you guys that where suppose to come and were not able to make it, you were missed. Maybe you all can come March 1st.

Well I was there 15 minutes after 9:00 (opening) and I too missed out on good parking. I only had to park one row back. Needless to say there was a good turn out for the event.

I had three other people that came up with me and on our first dive we made it to the sailboat, then on to the bus and around to the pipes. It was a very nice dive (temperature excluded) LOL. It was very refreshing. Visibility was about 20 foot as far as I could tell, and of course there was no thermocline. It was 54 ( by my computer) everywhere, bbbbrrrrrrrrrr. Our first dive was 30 minutes with a max depth of 80 ft. I was really shocked at how fast my air was going, I remember looking at my guage when we were at the bus and I watched it tick away like a clock. It was some what unnerving however given the fact that it was 54 degree and I was in a 5 mm wetsuit I guess it was to be expected.

The next dive we took a different route and headed out toward the wall and made to a max depth of 90 ft with a total time of 30 minutes. Computer diving is great, LOL. It was like I was diving in a new spot since I never really ventured out toward the wall. The vis was again around 20 ft and water was still cold. This dive seemed to be even colder than the last but somewhat bearable. The cold seemed to penetrate my bones and joints very easily on this dive but I was able to maintain my focus and enjoy the dive.

After our second dive it was off to HOOTERS for some wings and beer.

We had a good time overall and managed to meet soem fellow scubaboarders, like Mwhites, and Boomer and two others that I believe I forgot. Sorry. I saw Denise and company pull up in their very nice trailer however I never could catch her for introductions, she was busy, busy. Maybe next time. And I have to get me a trailer that was a nice set up.

As always the owners were great and very friendly. I hope the weather gives them a break so they can finish the new building. I hope to see everyone in March for the first saturday dive day.
I can't believe you didn't come by and speak Aquaknott!! Me busy??....surely not running my mouth :wink: I walked around visiting and talking to everyone I could recognize by their description of their vehicles and some came up to me and introduced themselves. We had a great time visiting with everyone.
I do love my trailer. It is neat because I not only transport my gear in it but I stow it in there also so it is already packed when I get ready to go. It has hangers so I can dive, rinse my gear, hang it up and just open the door and stick a fan in the door to finish drying it when I get home.
We did one dive....my arm got twisted and I was shamed into doing at least one after I drove 3 hours to get there..:D Snepdiver, Coralline Dream and I did one dive lasting 22 minutes with a max depth of 42 ft and a chilly 52 degree water temp. We met at Sneps afterwards and had a great time warming up with chili, beer and rum!! Fun!! Fun!!
I've got the crud you and guys/gals are out there diving in 52 degree water... Beh!
Sorry you were sick and missed out on all the fun Frank...:(
Good times and great friends. Great to meet some new people. Soory some of you did not make it. You missed out. Sort of.
I'm sorry I couldn't make it, but I imagine everyone's probably glad I didn't expose them to whatever this is. (It's definitely a full-on cold or more now.) :D
Well I have no idea how I missed your post the other day when i posted my dive reprot, kickchk and johhny, I am glad everything went well for you guys and you enjoyed yourself. It is always a pleasure diving with you all.

PS.. It looks like I am a go for the March 1st and 2nd Vortex trip. :D

I am anxious to dive under this new staff I have heard nothing but good stuff. Congrats guys.

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