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Sea Squirt, membership in CAD is not given without careful consideration.


You're in Sea Squirt! Our V-P of Marketing and our GB Rep (and Tender of Will's Gravesite) will be contacting you soon. I hope. They are a pretty independent crew, you know! Besides, I am only the Coupon Clipper and Grammarian!

Oh, yes, along with gloves, consider what I refer to as a mini-hood. See the photo in my profile if you do not know what a mini-hood is...

Joewr...Cold is a state of mind...I prefer the State of California...
Mini-hood? Anything bigger and you wouldnt be able to see or breath!!!

Do you put ice in your drinks? Or is that too cold also <g>?
but all things should be done in moderation. I don't know if any of you remember that incident 12 years ago? There were these two mammals traped in the ice. A ICEbreaker CG Ship was dispatched to save them. Turns out that it was a couple of divers with to much neoprene on and were to hot so needed some ice to cool off.

I hope this helps
Hey, Stone, that's cool.
Hopefully I can get my buddy(ies) to fork over the cash (diving keeps me poor). :D


When one has gills, one does not need to "breathe"! And my camera does all my "seeing"!

Of course, I use ice in my drinks--but I use 3mm gloves to hold the glass!

Joewr...thinking, if you cannot see the Great White Shark heading your way, then he cannot see you! That's logical, isn't it...
Unfortunately, I think my father managed to disprove your great white theory on the many occasions that I was trying to sneak out of the house. Of course, maybe that is just a father thing? :D

Must agree, Ice is a necessity in one's Gin and Tonic and one would be in a bit of a quandry if straws hadn't been invented.

Only the fathers of girls! Fathers of boys, such as I, tend to discover "discrepancies" in behavio(u)r many years after the fact!

Joewr...thinking, if I had known at the time there wouldn't be a strand of brown hair left...
Always wondered why Dad went bald!

Applaud as Joewr solves yet another mystery.
for that link to the DSL book - I didn't know this actually existed (we thought we were being clever by learning to deaf-sign!). And as Sea Squirt says, it is rather difficult to spell under water particularly when you can't remember the letters or if you're wearing GLOVES so learning whole words will be a big help.

I am the first to admit I'm a CAD(ette - good one Amoeba), in fact seem to remember having a very similar conversation with DivingGal just after I joined the Scubaboard about cold water diving... But did I understand correctly DG that your water temps are 30 Centigrade in the summer? That's even warmer than it gets here in Thailand! I'm definitely coming to the Great White North if it's that warm... :sunny: When it comes to drinks however, one absolutely MUST have ice in one's voddie & tonic (sod the straws though... we're ice-chewers in our family...)

Scubajude - you have what I call a perfect partnership... and you even get to use the camera occasionally, lucky you!

Screaming and doing a sort of jig in the water with lots of arm and leg pumping are pretty useful for signifying you're well impressed with something... like my first sighting of nudibranch eggs - pointed out by my eagle-eyed buddy, Sea Squirt (tanks, sis!)
Good morning/evening CADs and CADettes

I'm hono(u)red to be inducted into this elite posse! When do I receive the rules and regulations, and if at all possible, an explanation as to what it's all about?! By the way, does it still count, as I haven't got a pair of GLOVES yet, only thinking about it!


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