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  1. S

    Shark bites liveaboard guest

    "taught" being the operative word....but not always I think learnt.
  2. S

    Shark bites liveaboard guest

    Darwin!...and training.... keeping a cool head is not something you can teach.
  3. S

    Shark bites liveaboard guest

    So if I dragged a bag of bloody chickens around the lakes and rivers of south Florida that wouldn't be seen as "feeding" the alligators, or leaving a car packed with food in Yosemite to "attract" the bears? That would be like inviting the homeless to a soup kitchen only allowing them to look...
  4. S

    Shark bites liveaboard guest

    You don't see the DEP or any other wildlife service promoting the feeding of bears, alligators, crocs etc so why feed sharks...any where. People + food = food. I know science isn't strong in Florida's curriculum but doesn't anyone remember Ivan Pavlov?
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