CHAMBER CHALLENGE 2017 - UPDATE #1 - $3,810 (posted 3/16/17 - first update)

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Chamber Day

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Big Fisherman's Cove, Catalina, CA
2017 Combo Logos ALT (Paint - HUUUUUGE - reduced).jpg


Over 40 years ago, the USC Catalina Hyperbaric Chamber first opened its doors for business. And since that time, our Chamber has been there 24/7/366 for any diver in need of their services.

In 1989, Chamber Day was created as a way of providing more secure funding for our Chamber. And since that time, we've come back annually to ask you to pitch in and support your Chamber. We hope you'll never need it, but if you do, you'll be glad it's there.

A key component of our fund-raising efforts, especially the past few years, has been the Chamber Challenge. We “challenge” you to give a straight donation to our Chamber, and we hope you will then turn around and challenge your friends and dive buddies to match your generosity. And I am amazed and delighted to announce that we're almost at $4,000 already!!!

We start off with a pair of Gold donors in the form of Pacific Wilderness and Andy Pilmanis. Pacific Wilderness every year is one of the first through the door with their donation and we appreciate the continued support. And Andy was the original Director of the Catalina Hyperbaric Chamber, so he certainly understands its value.

We also have a pair of Silver donors, the first in memory of scuba pioneer Dr. Lee Somers (from the Chamber's current Director, Karl Huggins) and another from Don Lake who is a longtime regular supporter of this cause.

You'll also note that we have a number of Bronze donors at the $100 level as well, and that's really the engine that keeps this Challenge purring.

But it's early in the game and everything helps. While we're in the midst of March Madness, how about a little Chamber Challenge? Who's next? Who will help push us towards $5,000?

CHAMBER CHALLENGE 2017 - $3,810 total (Updated 3/16/2017 @ 11PM - first update)
New donors are in bold type and marked with an asterisk.

Gold ($1,000-4,999)
* Pacific Wilderness
* Andy Pilmanis

Silver ($500-999)
* In memory of Dr. Lee Somers
* Don Lake

Bronze ($100-499)
* Stephen Benavides
* Cindy Shaw & Patrick Smith
* Margaret Donat
* Dana Rodda
* JJ Gibbons
* Markus Self
* Michael Wynd

Other (less than $100)
* Debbie Rubin
* Jim Whyte


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