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We leave on Friday, so she'll probably have come and gone by then. I just hope it doesn't ruin the diving for us. I don't know how long it takes for things to settle down after a storm like this but, I just hope it has no real lasting effect on the visibility or the underwater critters...I still haven't given up hope.

Friday is better than Monday! It all depends on the ferocity of the winds. Right now it is looking fairly tame as hurricanes go.

The real problem is how much physical damage that it does and whether it lingers. Last year Keith lingered for quite a while. But we shall pray. (Whenever I say that I always think of the father of political cartoons, one Thomas Nast. He once did a cartoon featuring Boss Tweed, a political string puller who ran New York City. Tweed and his cronies were illustrated as vultures drooling over New York--the caption was, "Let us prey." But I digress.)

Hurricanes can, in fact, damage coral reefs and undersea wrecks. I have seen very large, modern wrecks that were torn in two by hurricanes--long after they were sunk! I am referring to ships made of steel! This is not written to discourage you, just to edify you. As I wrote to another of your Tejano brothers: when the management of this Board finally gives up on me and ties me to a post, puts a cigarette in my mouth and calls in the firing squad, you will be ready to step right in.

He, one Texass by name, pointed out, quite sagely, that they no longer offer cigarettes because they were bad for your health. The Republicans will probably change that: the tobacco industry has them all in tow.

I probably should not be so light hearted as you wring your hands and stare at the CNN weather report. Sorry...

I am still keeping everything crossed.

Oh, and don't even get me started on the Republicans! :)
I do not hold the Democratic politicians in any higher esteem!

Another quote--and the exact number is ananchronistic. Mark Twain once said something like, "The five hundred and thirty-five crooks in Congress, but I repeat myself..."

At any rate, the one thing they do not control--to my knowledge--is hurricane season in the Caribbean. So I still have everything crossed.

Joewr (trying to replace Jim Lehrer)
In other countries that more frequently use the firing squad than we do, after youare shot your family is charged for the cost of the bullets.

I've seen congress in action on C-span. They (both the Democrats and the Republicans) remind of a really large day-care facility with no supervisors. If they could control the weather, I'm sure Chantal would just stall right where she is because they wouldn't be able to come to a decision on just what she should do. :)

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