Oxygenated Water

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animian2002 once bubbled...
It's me again. Asking Stupid Question :hiding:

I was out shopping today and by chances I saw this new product at the super market. It is those newly launched Bottled Oxygenated drinking Water. According to the ad, it has an extremely high level of Oxygen retained in the water

And I can't help but think what will happen if we drink this water before and after diving :confused: Even though it is just a small bottle :D

I'm not trained in nitrox/mixed gases, but I have read that Oxgyen can be bad for divers at depth eg :drown: as a result of convulsion underwater etc and so when I saw their ad, I can't help but wonder.

So what you do you guys think :)

Is this the water you talking about?


plsander once bubbled...
I did see one O2 bar in a useful place. It was in the visitor's center at the top of Pike Pike. That would be at 14,110 feet ASL.
Damn - wish I'd known that instead of almost passing out on the train. You would think they'd make mention of it.
I saw that line of "Oxygenated Water" products on the shelves here in Canada last year.

I honestly thought it was an attempt at humor. Like the pet rock, or the inflatable dart board. To my surprise it was being marketed as a legitimate product, and further to my surprise, people were buying it and touting its wonderful benefits.

P.T. Barnum (circus owner) once said "there's a sucker born every minute". Boy was he right!
Selling bottled water that has:

Less water...
More "Oxygen"
Less cost to make
Sell it for MORE, after all, it's got MORE OXYGEN!

Ever get that "penetrating feeling"? That was well lubed!
I think water is sometimes purified with O2 or Ozone under pressure. Maybe that's what they're doing and they needed a marketing-speak way to explain the high levels of residual O2 in the product.


Dr Deco once bubbled...
Oxygenated Water

Let us assume for a moment that there actually was a substantial amount of oxygen in the water (which there is not). This water would enter our digestive system and the water and oxygen would diffuse into the capillaries and then be carried to the veins. This blood in these veins would then join with blood in the vena cava and move to the lungs.

At the lungs, the blood again enters capillaries around the alveoli, and gases in the blood are exchanged. If you were breathing air, the gradient would be such that oxygen in the lung capillary blood would move into the alveoli. The result would be blood that was essentially equilibrated to the air in the alveoli. Unless you were breathing oxygen, the lungs and the gas exchange would remove any [purported] advantage.

When you have a build up of carbon dioxide in your blood, you feel “out of breath” and breathe faster. Does anyone feel “out of breath” after drinking a carbonated beverage? No? Then I guess that whatever gas is absorbed from the digestive system into the blood produces no effect after it passes the lungs.

Mike Powell (Dr Deco)

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