General Ikelite w/ digital p&s question...

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Aurora, IL
I'm looking at getting this housing for our Coolpix 2000:

Ikelite's website claims that "All camera functions are accessible." but from the pics I've found I can't see how the function/mode wheel on the top of the camera (where you select portrait mode, "snow" mode, night mode, etc) is accessible. I don't see how the on/off switch is accessible either.

The function mode I could live without. It could be set to regular picture mode since you switch to and from macro mode via a button that is accessible on the back of the camera. "Snow" mode would be nice, though if I'm shooting at something where the background is sand...

As for the on/off switch... This camera burns through batteries so quick that I'd really like to be able to switch the camera off if I'm not using it. This is the reason I haven't click the very inviting "Buy Now" button yet :wink:

Anyone with an Ikelite case care to share whether "All camera functions are accessible." actually means that they're all accessible? I emailed Ikelite, but got a "sorry this product has been discontinued" reply. It's been discontinued for all of a month, and is still available at resellers... Kinda disappointed at the customer service actually, but they're the only ones making a housing for my camera (besides the zip-lock bag kind).

Thanks in advance for your help!
I don't know your camera but i have an ike case that has "All controls accessible" and it truly has all the controls through the housing. I would assume they're there even if not readily apparent in the picture.
E-mail Ike and ask him if you can turn it on or off. He is a super friendly guy and will shoot straight with you.


Uh, sure... Who's Ike? I emailed Ikelite's customer service, as I said, and they blew me off. Twice. (Because this particular housing was discontinued last month. Their resellers still have them, though.)

We sold last housing in December, 2004 and camera is too old to build more. Email me <> if you want to know if camera can be switched on and off and I will root around in the archives for information.............
For archival purposes:
Ike got back to me with the info. Both the mode selector wheel on the top of the camera and the on/off switch are accessible on the Ikelite 6182 housing for the Nikon Coolpix 2000.

Thanks, Ike.

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