Full Cave Diver Course

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DomRep Diving

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Dominican Republic
I want to take the step ahead to Cave Diving, but I have kind of a problem. I can't take the course in my country, because there is no one to teach it (actually there's someone named Denis Bourret IANTD Full Cave Technical Diver) but I haven't heard anything from him, nor I know anyone who took any of his courses. So I was thinking of going to Florida to take the course. Actually, it is cheaper to me to go to Florida, than take it here, the guy here is kind of expensive.

So, I though that if I go to Florida, the best bet would be to get a FULL CAVE DIVER, like the ones that give it all in a week... I know it is not the best to learn, but since it is pretty far away, I guess it's the best option. There are lots of cave's in my country and I know of some Americans that live here, that are surveying some caves, and since they are pretty experienced I can buddy up with them to improve my "newly skills".

Right now I'm finishing my Dive Master from a few schools (Naui, Padi and SSI Divecon). I consider myself an experienced diver, have more than 4 years diving, and even though I haven't log all my dives, I have many more than 100.

Sorry for the long preview, just wanted you to know my background... now my questions are:

1.- Do you think my option of taking the Full Cave Diver course is a good idea?

2.- Where should I take it? And what kind of equipment should I bring?

3.- If there is a way to couple it with an Advanced Nitrox, I would like it better... (I'm currently Nitrox Certified.)

Well, I guess it's all for now and sorry for the long post...

P. D.: In case you would like to know more, here is the page of the guy that teaches the cave courses in my country:
Golden Arrow Technical Diving

And here is a report from Dive Rite when they came to see some caves of my country:
Dominican Republic: A New Frontier

BTW, I live in the Dominican Republic :)

The full cave course is structured to allow the experienced, already well disciplined and well trained diver to complete it in eight days...
Personally, I took five years - much of that due to scheduling with my preferred instructor, but nevertheless it provided me the opportunity to do a whole lot of diving between the formal training weekends... Now five years is a bit excessive, but - my opinion is that caving is complex enough that for most folks the four step process with at least a dozen or so dives in between to really hone the skills learned in each major section of the course is the best way to do it.
DomRep Diving once bubbled...

There are lots of cave's in my country and I know of some Americans that live here, that are surveying some caves, and since they are pretty experienced I can buddy up with them to improve my "newly skills".

I am not a caver, so take this for what its worth, but why not talk to the cave divers you say live there and see what they think? Possibly you could do an openwater dive with them so they could evaluate where you are in relation to where you should be to take an accelerated course.

I would also agree with Rick, any technical training should not be rushed or crammed into a very limited time span.

I guess I'll go to Florida to do at least the Cavern and Intro to Cave... and then go next year to finish it all....
Is that a good option? or will it be better to go Full Cave in a week?
Go to this site and correspond with Bill. He can take care of your logistical needs as well as equipment concerns. He can also take care of adv nitrox. Only a cave instructor will know if you are ready and for what level.


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