Is your LDS listed with the Better Business Bureau?

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Is your LDS listed with the Better Business Bureau?

Better Business Bureau

Just thought it might be interesting to see what the results were!

My current LDS is NOT listed.

My old LDS has an unsatisfactory rating (not me was just a location thing for changing)

Leisure Pro has a satisfactory rating.

I have about 15 LDSs listed in my local phone book.

Only 3 of them show up in the BBB database.

2 have unsat records.

1 has not had frequent inquiries or other reason to develop a report.

The BBB is a joke anyway. Your better off talking to people who went to the shop.
You may consider it a joke, but it still provides a service, and given that they tend towards being nonjudgmental, there is a certain value.

That being said, of all the Dive Shops in Connecticut, only one is listed with the BBB.

SwimJim once bubbled...
The BBB is a joke anyway. Your better off talking to people who went to the shop.

Sounds like Jim may have a problem with the BBB.

Actually Jim, I use all methods before I frequent a place. Just because the people you talk to like it, doesn't mean you will get screwed over.

I learned a lesson once...I recommended a dive shop to my brother and his wife when they wanted to get certified. It was one that had worked very closely with me when I went to them for my AOW card. My attitude when I went in was "What can I do to help you get me certified AOW" and they made it happen. Worked around my extremely tight schedule (average of 70 hour workweek most of the time) and gave us some pretty good training to boot. HOWEVER, when my brother went in...his attitude is "What will you do for me?". There is technically nothing wrong with that...its his personality type versus mine. He was not at all satisified with the dive shop. Told me about it several times...thats the last time I make a recommendation of that sort. It is just that the personality types didn't click between him and the owner.

That being said...I would trust the BBB over someones recommendation for a larger volume store...statistics can be manipulated, but they don't lie. BBB is all about statistics...the more entries, the better the value of the results.

Most LDSs don't show up on the BBB because they are too small, or even have a short "life" expectancy as to never register on the radar screen.

Use ALL of the data that is available to you...and why don't you post WHY you don't trust the BBB Jim...or is it that you hear black helicopters overhead every night? *Just kidding*
Joining the BBB costs money. So if a business pays the annual fee are theya more competant business? I think not.

Anyone can complain to BBB, So if your lds is not listed, there have been no complaints. Isn't that all you need to know?
Knavey once bubbled...

...and why don't you post WHY you don't trust the BBB Jim...or is it that you hear black helicopters overhead every night? *Just kidding*

Don't be silly, you can't hear the helicopters because they're running in stealth hover mode. Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean they aren't watching you :wink:

My LDS isn't listed in the BBB either. :scratch: :eek:hno:
It does cost $$ to join the BBB.

As a business owner I have been approached twice by the BBB with an "invitation" to join. They as much as said "Would you like to pay us to join, so we can say good things about you". Their other line was "We have been getting inquiries about your business, wouldn't you like to join so we can say good things about your establishment?"

That does not sound unbiased to me!!

Hmmm, let's see, if I pay them $600 a year they will say nice things about me, they will plug my business rather than someone who does not belong to the BBB.

With that experience, my view of the BBB changed for good. It is an advertising business operating under the veil of being some kind of consumer protection agency.

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