Freakin Mask Flooding Again

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I have been diving around 2 years now, Got my Advanced, and nitrox certs, So I decide to take a SCR Rebreather Course. Guess What?? They require mask flooding. I did this back in open water, however, I haven't practiced this skill since then, Why?? Because in the Pacific Northwest,,It Sucks. I dove today to go over the skill and drank seawater each time, Any tips??????

Probably good that you are practicing it then.

Sit in a pool with a reg in your mouth and your mask off and breath and choke until you get it.

Once you do keep doing it for a while until you get used to it.

Practice it every now and again as it is a crucial skill even if you hardly ever use it.
I hated mask clearing as well, but it is a crucial skill, escpecially if you ever plan on getting into technical diving, which it looks like you are. The pool thing that d33p s1x recommended worked for me, now I don't have any problems clearing a mask!

Safe Diving!:)
It's very simple, if done correctly.

1. Breathe through your mouth only. Do not inhale through your nose!

2. Tilt your head up, as if looking up to see if another diver is coming crashing down on you.

3. Hold the mask firmly against your forehead while applying no pressure at the bottom (nose area). Do this with 1 or 2 hands, whichever is more comfortable.

4. Exhale through your nose only to displace the water from the mask.

5. Repeat if necessary--if there is still some water in the mask.

Dude! This is a very important skill. Practice it.

Tip of the month!!--Any skill that you dislike is one that you need to practice alot, until it is so comfortable that you no longer dislike it!!!
I just got my OW in the Puget Sound and had to clear my mask with the water temp at 41 ahhhh cold. I hated doing it in the pool but this is what helped my out....I wanted to make sure I felt REALLY confortable doing it so I asked my instucter to drill me hard......

1) I removed my mask at the deep end of the pool and had it off for about 3 min, he had me repeat it about 5 times!!

2) I exhaled through my nose...Then the bubbles from my reg weren't going straight into my nose.

3) open water is gonna be way colder so I made sure to dunk my face in the stuff before entering the water, so I wouldn't go into shock doing it a 40ft.

4) flood your mask slowly so the cold water doesn't shock you. Then remove it.

If I could do it with no problem, anyone can do it! Good luck...

I know I'm a newbie but since I just went through this myself I thought I'd reply. Hope it helps out.

:wink: Christine
I never liked it either.. But then who does.

Had an instructor that made me do a 30 min dive w/ no mask. My buddy drug me around everywhere.

30 min later, mask on eyes burning........

Now I can clear my mask anytime w/out a problem.

Best way? Probably not..... but it sure worked for me.

And once you get it back down, I recommend practicing it every safety stop you make.

I breath off my back up, and do a mask drill, and try to do buddy breathing.

What else do you have to do for 5 min?
I just recently did my OW in Puget Sound as well. I didn't have any troubles in the pool, but when I tried to do it in the water it was so cold that the shock made it so that I couldn't exhale through my nose. It took me three breaths off the reg before I could blow any air out through my nose and then I only cleared it halfway and had to take another breath to clear it the rest of the way.
This is where a dry suit comes in nice and handy....
A couple of times recently I started my decent - and forgot to pull up my mask! In 42 degree water!:eek:
That'll cure you of cold-water-in-the-face-while-breathing issues real quick...:rolleyes:

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