First Weigh-in of the New Year! Tuesday, Jan. 4

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Seattle, WA
I guess last week's weigh in got wiped by the SB problems. Anyway, I'm loving Atkins! Weight is just shedding off. Was back up to 308ish in mid-December after bachelor party in New Orleans and all the holiday parties. Now after two weeks of below 300, I'm declaring intermediate goal #1 DONE! I never want to be that big again.

8/24 316
8/31 313.5
9/7 311
9/14 312.5
9/21 305
9/28 302.5
10/5 304.5
10/12 304.5
10/19 302.5
1/04 293.5

Intermediate Goal 1: Sub-300. DONE!
Intermediate Goal 2: 269
Long Term: 200
....but it looks like Kamala beat me to it. Well, I had my WW meeting last night and I'm down 2#, but that's all holiday weight, so really i'm right back where I was in Sept. Not bad - I managed to stay even over the holidays, so I'm happy with that. And now, I've started the year off with a good loss, so hopefully that will be the trend....
Good luck everyone!
206#. guess i put on 5# over the holidays. make that 25# that i need to lose.

did good yesterday. turkey sandwich for lunch, chicken and mushroom stirfry for dinner. if i'd thrown some green veggies in the stirfry that would have made for a textbook healthy day, but its close enough to healthy to lose weight...
This my first post in this section. I started Atkins last January at 203 lbs, was down to 167 in September and then kind of fell off of the wagon. After totally pigging out over the holidays (Thanksgiving thru Christmas) and taking off from swimming, I am back up to 183. Back on Atkins and swimming 5 days a week starting yesterday. I'd love to get down to 150 by the summer.

Wow, Jackie, I thought someone had written my posting here!!! I started off last year weighing in at 207 and I got down to 167 in December but that has creeped back up and when I weighed myself this morning I was 171lbs. I am not doing Atkins but following my own diet - kind of just watch the calories. I can't remember what my last posting was a couple of weeks ago before I went to England and all the socialising that that involves but I think it was 169lbs. I am also back to swimming mornings and find if I go earlier, I am less likely to share a lane and when you swim 100 lengths, you don't really want to share for an hour with someone...LOL.
Hate to rain on the parade......started at 165, weighed in today at 160. Still not at target weight just yet.
Started the end of Nov at 200.4lbs, now at 188.4. Down 12lbs. I had no real change this week. Like Far-X I am sort of watching my calories. Doing a lot of low or no fat things. Just can't seem to get into the exercise mood. Think about it a lot, but just can't seem to make myself do any. I have even gone as far as putting DVD on. Watched them and thought "Yeah, I can do that" I have a gym on property which my son goes to, but I still can't seem to motivate myself to work out. This is something I still need to work on.
Long range goal 145lbs.
Short goal 175lbs.
Maybe working out should be one of my goals
161. Down two pounds. More to come.
228# this week, not sure if thats up or down

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