Male Dive Buddies

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I'm a single, non-attached female and all my diving is tropical resort diving where I go alone and get paired up with a buddy by the DM. I don't really care whether the buddy is male or female: what concerns me is their goals for the dive: as I'm a photographer (and a wus swimmer), I like to go nice and slow and look for critters; if my buddy is planning to do a "Michael Phelps" down there, this can make for a miserable dive. Having said that, this thread brings two thoughts to mind:

1) A confession: I really LOVE it when a male diver brings his non-diving SO on board. She usually starts helping him with his gear (so many of the SOs learn about about the man's sport) and then when she's done, she helps me! Seriously, I have met some great ladies who don't dive for various reasons, but who are quite happy to sit and chat with me and help me don my gear. I often end up dining with the couple later and staying in touch. Sometimes, it comes out that the gal is interested in diving, but doesn't think she can do it. I've encouraged many to give it a try and have gotten some to become divers - success! :D

2) An "on-land" confession: according to my friends, I do a funny thing when we're at a dinner or party and I meet single men. I might be talking with the guy and it's clear I'm being polite and friendly, but nothing more (not at all interested). Then, if it comes out that I'm a diver and the guy says he is, too, an amazing thing happens (according to my friends). My eyes light up and I get the biggest grin on my face as we start talking about the dive trips we've done. Of course, sometimes it turns out that the guy says he's a diver when actually he did a couple of DSD dives a few years back - and hasn't done it since. But sometimes the guy is as passionate as I am about the sport and our friends end up having to drag us to the dinner table and insist we talk with them!

This has on occasion led to some great dates and on one occasion, a short-term relationship (ended for other reasons). But I must confess it's true: I'd have a hard time being attracted to a guy who wasn't a diver - or at least seriously interested in committing to the sport. It's what I love so much! (Of course, this could also be why I'm still single, LOL! :wink: )

Hi. I am a single diver. We only have one other woman in our dive group here in NY so I am usually always diving with men. That fact may or may not have contributed to the final end of a two year relationship with someone who I thought was my dive buddy for life. He was accusing of me "fooling around" with my male dive buddies...which is absurd..has anyone ever tried to get intimate with a drysuit on or hood hair?

For me I dont find out what my dive buddies relationship status is unless they offer...I am here to dive. I try and pick my buddies with the most experience because I am a newish diver..

With that said, most of the men are way too young for me to consider a potential date, and the ones my age are married and happy. So I dont ever see that Scuba for me is going to turn into a dating service..What is has given me are really nice friends that I would not have met anywhere else for any reason and I am very grateful for that...

As for my love life? well lets say its wetter than my last dive!!! :)
I dove mostly with males in groups (not many women diving at that time)...I started going out with my future husband because we both needed dive partners...we clicked as dive partners (both independent divers)..then we discovered we had other interests in common...he was a ski instructor and taught me to ski...we backpacked and fished..

We married a year after we met and we are still each others best friends (28yrs)..we bought a boat and go to mexico to live and dive and fish every summer for a month or so..when he got his instructors cert. I got my DM so I could assist him...I can't imagine being married to a non diver..we both are passionate about our diving and so we are on the same page on how we spend the money (equipment) and vacation destinations (dive spots)...
ok envy!!!
i am a new diver.and this might sound awful but it would bother me if my hub dove with ,and shared rooms female divers .i guess i would very much like to dive with him so much that i would feel more left out than jealous,im not sure??
Okay. I have been married for 17 years, we are both OWSI. I seldoom get to buddy with my hubby because, either we both have our own students, we are on different boats, we are on the same boat and we are each leading less experienced divers. I often DM a boat while he is at work, My buddies are almost always men. Not a problem. He trusts me and I trust him.
Our philosophy is that if one of us were going to stray, it would happen no matter what, and we either trust each other's committment or our marriage is useless. I trust him. Period. I don't care where he goes or who with. He feels the same. And my hubby is a true hotty. Women throw themselves at him in front of me. He doesn't care. He thinks I am the most perfect thing going.( Note, that I am sooo not. But he has always thought so)

We get to dive together maybe once a month. But we dive 2 to 4 days a week. It is typical for the boat to be me and 14 other men. I Never carry the tanks.... :) And they bring me my Red Bull. Train 'em right girls, and they never let you down.
I Never carry the tanks.... :) And they bring me my Red Bull. Train 'em right girls, and they never let you down.

ROFL!!!! :rofl3:

And I thought I was the only one who did this!!

ROFL!!!! :rofl3:

And I thought I was the only one who did this!!


Oh no. The boats are fun. My boats are always full. We have a great time. We all work together. I have noticed them helping each other more and we switch buddies around or bottom crawl in groups, you name it. My hubby is proud of my "little ducklings" as he calls them.

I set up an atmosphere of good diving, good skills, and everyone rises to the occasion. No one cares about gender. We are divers. That makes us all family.

But my boys now enter their dive info and request for divespace along with calling dibs on food, snacks, treats, sambosas..... They All bring my Red Bull. My hubby likes the leftovers.
I started diving a long long time before I met my partner. I dive with whoever is available to buddy with me and I mostly do day trips only due to work commitments. He has his hobby and I have my diving and it is good to have "me time"
I'm currently not single. However, I have never dated a man that dives. It's weird, since the majority of divers are men. Just a lot of divers are older than me--much older. Old enough to be my father so. . .(which disgustingly doesn't stop them from trying to hit on me). I'm 22. My generation just isn't a large presence in the field yet. Mainly boomers and gen xers I feel. I wish my boyfriend did dive though. It'd be so much fun. But unfortunately he's a poor college student. Times are tough. When I was single I felt a lot of divers my age shied away when I told them I was a dive master. It's weird to think they were intimidated but that's kinda what it seemed like.
These are great comments (I don't usually browse this area). I've been married 28 years but my wonderful wife doesn't dive though she really supports my diving. I'm dying to go on some trips but am not sure of the set since I don't want to pay for a single room. It is good to see others sharing a room and trusting eachother.

I have a great diving group (mostly guys but with several woman) and you do develop a great trust with each other. If I were to travel overseas and get paired with a guy/girl I'm not sure how I would trust their safety level.

Thanks for the honest comments.

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