CNS% Surface Interval Credit & NOAA Oxygen Exposure Limits

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Paris, France
# of dives
2500 - 4999

I am looking at formulas that can explain the CNS% Surface Interval Credit and the NOAA Oxygen Exposure Limits. I use to use a table or decompression software while planning a dive but basicaly I'd like to know what is the formula that can produce these two tables.

I have reproduced all tables that I learned during my courses (Deep Stops, Trimix END, SAC Conv., MOD, PO2, OTUs and CNS%). But I can find anything for CNS% Credit and the NOAA one.

If some of you are interested by these tables, they are here.

Thanks in advance for your help.
IIRC, its a 50% reduction in the CNS% every 90mins.

So if you were at 100%, after a 90min SI, you'd be down to 50%. Another 90mins, and you're at 25%, and so on. That lines up with your table, I believe.

How that number was derived has eluded me, and I think its probably highly questionable (as is the entire CNS% idea).
ResidCNS = exp(-0.0077 * SIinMin) * CNS

In other words, assuming a 90 minute halftime, you can calculate your residual CNS exposure by the exponential function listed above, where SIinMin is your surface interval in minutes. Exponential means e​ raised to the power of x: Euiler's number (or Napier's Constant) [not to be confused with Euiler's Constant], the transcendental and irrational number 2.71828...

e = lim (1 + 1/n) ** n

Alegbra lesson over for today.

​From: Hamilton, R.W., Kenyon, D.J., Peterson, R.E., Butler, G.J., & Beers, D.M. REPEX: Development of Repetitive Excursions, Surfacing Techniques, and Oxygen Procedures for Habitat Diving. NURP Technical Report 88-1A, 1988.


OTU: Oxygen Tolerance/Toxicity Unit: an estimation of pulmonary ("whole body") oxygen exposure (loss of vital capacity; the Lorrain Smith effect)

OTUs = (((2 * PO2) - 1) ** 0.833) * time.
Thanks gkndivebum. My question was not properly presented. In fact, I am looking for some more detail of the daily (or multi day) limits set by the NOAA, like 850 OTUs for 1 day, 1400 for 2 days and so on....
[...] I am looking for some more detail of the daily (or multi day) limits set by the NOAA, like 850 OTUs for 1 day, 1400 for 2 days and so on....

Ah - where do those magic numbers come from, anyway?

Turns out according to NOAA you're allowed 1440 OTUs in a day (O2 at 1.0 ATA for a 24 hour period). The recommended maximums in the tables come from leaving enough OTUs to tolerate a USN TT6 recompression session.

A TT6 is approximately 600 OTUs; 1440-600 = 840, rounded up to 850 for the first day. As far as I know the reduction in allowable exposure for subsequent days is based on a SWAG.

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