anyone use pullover latex dry gloves over top of neoprene gloves ?

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so i was thinking of picking up some latex pullover dry gloves like these to try out.....

Pullover Rubber Gloves for Dry Glove System - Dive Right in Scuba

they look like a low cost method of keeping my hands dry. i already have a set of rings that should work on my latex wrists seals on my dry suit. but i am a bit concerned however about the rubber glove coming off during a dive. so if i was using them over a fleece glove liner for example then it would be a significant problem in cold water.
so i was thinking i would try them over top of a pair of 5mm neoprene gloves. that way the 5mm glove is the insulator and the rubber pullover should keep them 100% dry. if in the event the rubber glove came off or ripped, then i would still have protection.

has anyone tried this before ? if so, how did it work out ?

one concern i do have if ordering these is sizing. i have to order them online so cannot try them on. i would typically wear a size large neoprene glove.
I have been using the rings (Viking classic) since 1992 and never had a glove come off during a dive.
Also with your idea you will still need some way to get air into and out of your gloves in order to equalize them.

Like ScubaAl, I've used SI-rings and Viking Classic rings for a lot of years and never had a glove come off. It's actually a great, secure system (if a little hard to put on sometimes without help).

I've used them with neoprene gloves underneath but quickly discarded that idea. I like the loft, softer insulation and agility when using a fleece liner. Try it... use neoprene liners and see if you like it.

Probably the simplest solution would be Nordic Blue gloves. No ring system is required.

how come they never show the person putting on the 2nd glove with the first one already on. i've tried it. it was almost impossible for me. i appreciate the post but i already have gloves similar to the video. didn't like it. i own a set of rings that should work with the pullovers and they are only 13 bucks so thought i might try them.

---------- Post added December 6th, 2015 at 03:13 PM ----------

Also with your idea you will still need some way to get air into and out of your gloves in order to equalize them.

i thought this might be the case as well. but why would i need to equalize the outer glove. it can't compress any more than wearing the 5mm wet gloves alone ? or am i missing something ?
why would i need to equalize the outer glove. it can't compress any more than wearing the 5mm wet gloves alone ? or am i missing something ?

The air in a dry glove system is at the same pressure as the water. So your 5mm glove [closed-cell foam] will compress with depth, losing insulation value. Your hands will lose heat through conduction because of the compressed neoprene and any sweat that accumulates in the gloves.

Unequalized dry gloves also lose a lot of dexterity.
Like ScubaAl, I've used Viking Classic rings for a lot of years and never had a glove come off

like these.....

i suppose it could only come off if you were wearing fleece liners and over equalized the glove. and that really should not ever happen.
did you ever use the extra oring to hold them on ?
like these.....

i suppose it could only come off if you were wearing fleece liners and over equalized the glove. and that really should not ever happen.
did you ever use the extra oring to hold them on ?

Yeah, like those. Even quick-lock style rings can be used with stretchy over-the-cuff gloves like that, if need be.

I suppose it may be possible to over-inflate the gloves (I've never had that happen so much that the gloves came off); that'd be another reason why you need some air exchange between the gloves and the suit. If you over-inflate the suit, air usually starts escaping from the neck seal long before the gloves pop off.

Never used the o-rings. I've seen people use both o-rings or electrical tape (seriously?) to ensure the gloves stay on, but I've never found the need.
I use the pull over latex glove without any dry glove system (other than the cuff). Had the Antares, was not fond of them. Never had the pull-overs come off in any normal diving situation.
so i managed to get my hands on some pullover latex gloves. bought two different sizes. good thing. the one will only work with really light liners and the other is barely large enough to fit with heavy liners. and yes i did the proper hand measurements as described by the seller.
the problem is the gloves are so tapered that they dont seem to hold tight to the rings at all. even if i pull them as far on as possible. all it takes is the slightest little pull and they slide right off.
i did not get them from DRIS. but the seller told me these were what i needed. after looking again at DRIS, theirs seem to have straight cuff as opposed to the ones i got that are tapered. perhaps i made a bad choice ??

i went to a local industrial supplier and found a package of 2 orings that fit my cuff rings so when i do get back in the pool to try the gloves i will be trying them with the orings. i did find however that even with the oring holding the glove to the cuff ring, that i can easily pull it off. i am hoping that once i get the gloves wet they will hold better. i think the new gloves may have a powder residue on them from manufacturing that makes them slide too easy. hopefully this will wash off. i will let you know

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