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  1. wireman

    ScubaBoard SURGE 2019 Crew T-Shirt Voting

    I vote for #2, please. Your Vote Has Been Tallied
  2. wireman

    Favorite Memories from the SB Invasion 2018 Cozumel

    Suzie got this on video, and we are wondering what it is. Anybody?
  3. wireman

    ScubaBoard Invasion 2018 T-Shirt Design Voting

    #4, please Your Vote Has Been Tallied
  4. wireman

    Dacor Omni Pro computer Owners manual

    My wife has a Dacor Omni from the '90s. It works great, but we are having a tough time with the history function. If the pro manual is anywhere close, it will help us. Thanks, in advance.
  5. wireman

    ScubaBoard Invasion 2017 T Shirt Design Voting

    They are all nice, but I like #1. Your Vote Has Been Tallied
  6. wireman

    ScubaBoard Invasion Central 2017 Roatan

    Suzie and I are in. Looking forward to going to a new place and meeting some new friends. Mark
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