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  1. TECreation

    Who Wants Better Fins?

    The state of the art in fins has been dragging (literally) along for decades. Every fin is essentally a board fastened to a foot. Until now. TECreation Development has been developing fins which work like airplane wings, but in water. Extensive testing has shown them to require...
  2. TECreation

    New swim fins on the horizon

    Hi. I'm David Woods from Orlando FL. I have developed a more efficient swim fin which makes it easier to get around under water. That, of course, saves air allowing you to stay down longer. There is a thread in the classifieds...
  3. TECreation

    MaxAir Swim Fins - Stay Down Longer with Less Effort

    Let's make longer dives normal by making these MaxAir Swim fins the new standard. Years of research and development have gone into these which are proven to use less energy (breathing air) than today's standards. We need to get them manufactured for everyone to discover the benefits. To do...
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