amazone prime day

  1. DiveHeart

    Shopping Amazon can help Adaptive Scuba & Scuba therapy with your help.

    =AZWdYShuZO2axAt6GoKVhVJoyhStYCY0oVh4kbjFP9TrJ6g-xCabpMJr6x9gE9BAsYy8_qoD42kAtD9WbZSso97IE7g_ox8uMuTqpJ28-JFieNLDCINtpIQQSJsF9-YwCC4&__tn__=EH-R'] =AZWdYShuZO2axAt6GoKVhVJoyhStYCY0oVh4kbjFP9TrJ6g-xCabpMJr6x9gE9BAsYy8_qoD42kAtD9WbZSso97IE7g_ox8uMuTqpJ28-JFieNLDCINtpIQQSJsF9-YwCC4&__tn__=EH-R']...
  2. DiveHeart

    How can your AmazoneSmile purchase make a difference?

    The Sales Have Started!!! If you are doing any of your Holiday Shopping this year on Amazon, please remember to use AmazonSmile when making all your purchases! Choose "Diveheart Foundation" as your charity and Amazon will donate on your behalf for every Amazon purchase you make! Learn More...
  3. DiveHeart

    Amazon Prime Day Benefits Diveheart.....Today!

    Amazon Prime Day is HERE! Starting July 16th at 3pm EST... Please use Amazon AND Support Diveheart this Amazon Prime Day! Your shopping makes a difference. Do your regular Amazon shopping at and Amazon donates to Diveheart Foundation. Amazon will remember your...
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