buoyancy check

  1. kurisuji

    Weighting Impact of AL to Steel

    Hi All — Question on weight adjustments when switching tank types: When I switch from an AL80 to a HP100, I’m able to drop 6 lbs based on weight checks at end of dives. However looking at the buoyancy characteristics of the two tanks, there is about an 11 lb swing in buoyancy at empty: +4...
  2. rsingler

    Buoyancy, Balanced Rigs, Failures and Ditching – a comprehensive tool

    Attached to the bottom of this post are 2 large Excel spreadsheets called Buoyancy Estimator v25d.xlsx (for current Excel), and Buoyancy Estimator 25d.xls (for Excel 97-03) that are designed to answer many of the questions suggested by the topics mentioned below. Taking the time to look at data...
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