
  1. DiveHeart

    How i learned how to handle Bullies ...and why I started Diveheart!

    I don't suffer bullies well...I learned about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder when i was a kid after picking myself up off the floor. My father was an Army veteran with PTSD. In grade school i was a Cub Scout. My friend Timmy, who was also a Cub Scout was crying one day. He had Cerebral Palsy and...
  2. DiveHeart

    Salute to the Real Heros behind Diveheart....

    Participants, their families, Volunteers & Supporters are the REAL Heros that make Diveheart the incredible organization that it is...Thank you All for another Amazing year! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njBYkYNsuvw #heros #cnn #diveheart #hope #healing #scubatherapy #autism#disabilities...
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