lions clubs

  1. DiveHeart

    Volunteers of all ages can put service above self...

    =AZXUbtvNgcknBWYOIXMOeta0a1qfTEJO97AHdA0pGKupHneELXA6ngoZiHixzCNqfQfABfxfFATO1YjD9uRsN6RcN_sDSAYtgz2BQVCTrND8rooG3_q9TVpHaI69ewgh3DE&__tn__=EH-R'] =AZXUbtvNgcknBWYOIXMOeta0a1qfTEJO97AHdA0pGKupHneELXA6ngoZiHixzCNqfQfABfxfFATO1YjD9uRsN6RcN_sDSAYtgz2BQVCTrND8rooG3_q9TVpHaI69ewgh3DE&__tn__=EH-R']...
  2. DiveHeart

    Want to Partner with Diveheart....It's a Win/Win

    =AZX15ObZBLfa5VvOacor_0G4VPjE4txBgfeby5ZSf7kBmCDH483D0hCI4p0Mk2hTPzsBxC7LZHBBZ4rGzcxxLYtdut7AonlbqkbH4q8dDkCjgNQxqessL4XstCHa6ORJO2c&__tn__=-]K-R']Diveheart is all about partnerships. If you think you know of a business or organization that might benefit from association with a 20 year old...
  3. DiveHeart

    "Service Above Self" is Healthy for your Body, Mind & Spirit...

    "Service Above Self" is the Rotary motto, but that spirit lives in the heart of everyone who gives back in an effort to make the world a better place. Remember, you can not give without receiving. If you are not in a service organization or helping with a charity please consider it....It will do...
  4. DiveHeart

    How can you help visually impaired divers ?

    Diveheart Published by Jim Elliott · 1 hr · The Power of Partnership Continues....
  5. DiveHeart

    Lions Club Rallies to support Scuba Therapy....

    Lions Rally for Diveheart: This week the Frankfort Illinois Lions club once again showed their incredible generosity, friendship and support for Diveheart and its mission to help children, veterans and others with disabilities through Scuba Therapy. Thank You Lions. #lions...
  6. DiveHeart

    International Service Organizations Come Together to support Diveheart

    Rotarians & Lions recently Invited Diveheart to share our amazing stories of "Hope & Healing" with their members. If you would like a Diveheart presentation for your service organization, medical group, school or company just let us know at #lions #rotary #lionsclub#rotarians...
  7. DiveHeart

    Your Old Prescription Mask Can Help Others See....

    The "I Can See Clearly Now" Diveheart Initiative encourages divers to donate their old prescription masks so that Diveheart can use them for our Adaptive Divers with visual impairments that can be corrected with proscription lenses. Just like Lions Clubs around the world collect glasses...
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