razor sidemount

  1. banudemircioglu

    Razor 4 or XDeep 2.0 tec for women

    Hello ! I'm sidemount certified and only dive recreational for now. However, I want to buy my own sidemount gear and get tec certified to cave dive in the future. This is why I would prefer buying tec equipment even though it will be for later. I was thinking of getting the xdeep tec 2.0 bcd...
  2. Oldbear

    Razor 2.1 Harness - Manufactured by DSS

    After a lengthy research on different sidemount systems, based on reviews and functionality I recently purchased a Complete Razor Sidemount 2.1 System. I was pleasantly surprised and quite please when I learned that components are manufactured by Deep Sea Supply (DSS). I bought my first DSS...
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