Suggestion Bannings...

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The Chairman

The Chairman

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OK gang... give me some input.

What should (if anything) warrant a temp ban (5 day suspension)?

What should (if anything) warrant a perm ban?
Pete - in the end, that choice is yours. I appreciate you giving the opportunity for input.

I still maintain that a simple note saying something like "XXXX has been given a 5 day suspension because the moderators, as a group, felt that his behaviour regarding XXXX was in violation of the terms of service, specifically, section XXX. This is his first offence. S/He is welcome to come back, but if it happens again, the ban will be permanent."

I believe that's all we're looking for. I don't see any violations of privacy there. Spell it out, make it clear to people, and move on. Otherwise, you end up with 112 post threads and some very pissed off people.

I also think that anytime a post is yanked, a short PM from the moderator who did it is in order, explaining why. See example referenced above.
OK gang... give me some input.

What should (if anything) warrant a temp ban (5 day suspension)?

What should (if anything) warrant a perm ban?


Temporay Bans: Mean people!! Rude, hurtful, and just out to be a jerk people. Also anyone trolling. Anykind of harrassment(sexual, racial)
3 warnings(confirmed PM's) and you're banned.

Permenant Bans: Anyone who has been temporaly banned 3 times in a 6 month period.

Does that help any?
Maybe you should go the other way and tell us what causes a banning.
I can't speak for anyone else but what bothered me was the threads being pulled for asking questions about the banning. I understand that this is a family board and some things are not ok but I do feel that people should be talked to first not after the fact that they have been banned. Just my $0.02

Right on Boogie711 That sounds good to me
Let me say though, before this ventures off into the weird realms that it can do, that I do honestly appreciate the effort you're making here. I don't think anyone is under any misconceptions about the notion of a democratically run SB... but I appreciate the opportunity. That being said, actions speak louder than words, so I would urge you to listen.

It boils down to communication. For whatever reason, SB is on this "privacy" kick. There is no "right" to privacy, and Scubaboard management has this giant burr up their backside thinking they have to protect the 'honour' of those who've been banned.

Besides - if it's privacy you're trying to protect, I'll produce a signed original waiver from Seajay, Raven AND Cobaltbabe, giving you permission to disclose the rationale behind their bannings. But if I were to do so, would you do it?

It's not enough to be right. You have to APPEAR to be right. It's not like this can be a surprise to you Pete - you had to know that banning Seajay, Raven, Cobaltbabe, Jepuskar, Wreckwench and whoever else would send a giant shockwave through our community. So you can't sit on a little pillar of righteousness and claim that it's a private matter. When one is convicted of a criminal act, that conviction isn't a private matter between the judge and the criminal - it's conducted in an open courtroom, for all to see and interpret. We simply ask for the same prinicipals in action.

It's the same message I give all my clients - you don't have to worry about a "code of silence" amongst your moderators if you simply explain the truth. Openness and honesty isn't too much to ask.

We can live with whatever terms of conduct you wish to impose upon us. Want us all to type left-handed with pink snorkels in our mouth? OK - your board. But when you kick off our friends for not complying, make sure we know why.
Here I go again....WOW! Very impressive move.. I like. Thanks Pete and gang.

I'd have to say keep it simple... your TOS is your guide...

Trouble makers get a set of warnings and are sent on thier way if they chose to disrespect it.

I also like Boogie's idea of a auto-answer given by the mods to let us know what's happening. Just a generic one.
So what was the thread about that got all those people banned? If its that nasty, how about a clue or two
Otherwise, you end up with 112 post threads and some very pissed off people.

I also think that anytime a post is yanked, a short PM from the moderator who did it is in order, explaining why. See example referenced above.

Well - I see even the "Wow" thread was yanked now. Actions do speak louder than words. If your intent was to extend an olive branch, doing stuff like this is not the way.

Oops - just moved into the new forum...

Edited to say - Sorry, and thank you.
i dont know what was posted last night that got those "fine" people banned but i will say this from being an admin and mod on several different boards in the past that i know for a fact that everyone makes mistakes at times and i also know that some mods will ban someone for something they post that another mod would have posted themself and thats not right. i agree with those that have already said to suspend someone first and give them a chance and if they continue, then ban them for good. i would like to hear from all the mods here that CAN say they have never made a mistake. i know i couldnt say that and be telling the truth.

First of all there are times for immediate bannings.

1) ANY harrassing posts
2) ANY posts condoning or promoting illegal behaviour
3) ANY posts containing BLATENT sexual or racial content ("Innuedo" is too open for personal opinion.)
4) ANY posts posting someone else's personal information in such a manner as to open them up for harrassment.

Immediate suspension for:
1) Blatent personal attacks.
2) Open ended marketing of products (ie. Buy from me) outside of the ads area.

Warnings for
1) Straying from TOS Guidelines (profanity, etc.)

If you get more than 3 warnings - you should be suspended and if you get three more you should be gone. Final Ban is only for those who prove themselves unable or unwilling to learn to play by the rules.

How this is done should be on the TOS
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