ДОСААФ (DOSAAF) - Soviet diving society

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Moscow, Russia
# of dives
100 - 199
Sometimes I met here remarks or questions about diving in Soviet Union.
I will start briefly to explain here information about single solid Soviet diving society - ДОСААФ (DOSAAF)
Добровольное Общество Содействия Армии Авиации и Флоту (Volunteer Society for Cooperation with the Army, Aviation, and Navy)

It has long history, but as DOSAAF itself (with this name), it was builded up in 1951.
This organisation was dedicated to educate in sport ways for our population (in perspective to use it in army). But not only in standard athletic sports, but also in many others, like sport gunfighting, light aviation, skyjumping, boating, car driving, radiotechnics, and sure - diving.
some historical information you can read here

By DOSAAF request in the 1957 was developed first soviet aqualung (scuba) - AVM-1 by Soldatenkov and Kitaev and in 1960s it goes to mass production.

Diving education in Soviet Union was very rich and long, it takes 72 hours of theory, 16 hours of swimming plus 10 dives with scuba. In the end you should be pass exam by 5 of 52 questions (related to: equipment (with real repair or adjustment of scuba), accident prevention, diving medicine, accident situations, signals) or similar.

In the end you will get Certificate of Underwater swimmer(diver).
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It contains: results of passing exam for technisc and safety, medical statements, and records about underwater hours.

We had many books, related to diving. (here is not all of such books)
Учебники(у Алексея).jpg
There was not a single educational book, but all course content was same, as published in the brief-book.

Also was very popular magazine, related to diving and fish hunting - Спортсмен-подводник
By many peoples was written articles for this magazine. Even my fathers friend had published there one trick, how to made mask with lenses, and this article my fathers brings to the main editor by hands-to-hands :)

In the Minsk (Belarussia) they have big museum, DOSAAF related - DOSAAF History Museum in Minsk

I will try to continue this topic, to explain may other sides of diving in Soviet Union.
we had just one diving education society - ДОСААФ (Volunteer Society for Cooperation with the Army, Aviation, and Navy)
Scuba at that time - AVM-1m (twin tank doublehose) or Ukraina (first scuba edition, same as AVM but single stage))

It has one of standart exercises:
When you have dive at 5m, you should take off from you ALL equipment, (just speedos you will stay) and swim up.
Than you should descent again, wear ALL equipment back, and continue diving.
Very interesting. When I was a young kid I also was part of DOSAAF organisation - I attended shooting from rifle class. I did not know at that time that this was a preparation for future sniper :)
Bravo !
Very -- No! Exceptionally interesting !

Please continue posting the history of Russian diving.

Sam Miller, 111

I agree! Same goes for you Mr. Miller as well as @Akimbo - top of the class posters all three of you and really enhance my visits to this site, much appreciation all the way around from me.
When I was a schoolchild, I was unable to go for diving, due to helth limitation, and unfortunatelly I have not my photos of those period.
I have some pictures of my father, and if I will find it (on paper), I publish it here. Just one I have at this moment:

He was more fish hunter, than diver. (he had just some dives). But he was a cinema operator and photographer.
He had participation in some of spearfishing competitions under DOSAAF aegis. Once I was with him. I was around 10 y.o.
It was very interesting and nice. I still remember some moments... :)

So, I will put here some others photos. Will start from here Дайвинг в Санкт–Петербурге :: Просмотр темы - ДАЙВИНГ прошлого века (Листая старые страницы...)


It is Sadko dry suit. It was leased in LDS, which funding by DOSAAF or military departments of institues.
Leasing of suits or tanks was free of charge. Later suits was stored at homes of divers, and "goes" to their ownership :)
Wetsuits was very rare, and stored in LDS under high security :)
Most "machos" had their own wet suits, very tough (up to 11mm) or soft "Calipso" from Yugoslavia.
Sadko - just outer rubber and inner cloth. Pants and Jacket. On the belt it had "roll-bag" sealing. On the head it had sealing around face.
Was possible to wear it just by youself.
Girls with nails was forbidden to help divers.


Under the suit was weared wool clothes. Frequently it was same clothes, used on the way to dive point to decrease weight of transportation in the train - in to rucksack was packed tank, fins, suit, and thermos. Weights was weared under winter jacket (due transportation)
View was "cool" but it allow to dive 30-40 mins.


Same suit used for Ice diving with Ukraina-2. Yes - just one regulator, no octopus, no dry suit inflator.
Sometimes squizeeng was very hard, and mask had connector to the suit space to exhale and inflate.
But many divers just stay more air inside, and used fins to descend.

On the right shoulder is selfmade hydrophone.
On the 15m was possible to hear peoples on the beach (in summer) or commands to you and steps on the ice.


For far trips used Start compressor with engine from moto saw Druzhba (friendship). It has problems with starting, and we made gasoline filling on fly, above hot silencer.


Air -27 (minus twenty seven of celsius), year - approx 1985. "Aquamatic" (as we call it) from AVM-5 we try never take from water to prevent icing.
No octopus.
And impossible to remember, that anybody was not return from ice diving.


aprox. 1982-83


First Soviet wet suit Chaika (gull). Most frequently was produced without zipper. We attached zips by itself (diy), because wearing and unwearind was very difficult due to tight neoprene. We call this suit tin-plate.


beginning of 1980s




Great pride - diving knife in the cupper sheath in 2-3 kg of the weight :)
Boy this is interesting !
FYI Neoprene - rubber - Wet suit

Discovered by accident by Americans, the late Hugh Bradner & the late Willard Bascom while working with the Underwater Demolition teams (UDT) in San Diego.

Concept of the wet suit was presented to the Swimmers Panel of the National Security Council who immediately declared it Secret due to the US involvement in the Korean war.

After the cease fire in 1954 Hugh established EDCO to manufacture and market the new concept of a wet suit.

Hugh became a professor at Scrips Institute of Oceanography (SIO) and passed away of natural causes about ten years ago
Willard authored several books - most notable was Waves and Beaches . and The Crest of the Wave He passed away about 15 years ago as a result of an automobile accident in Long Beach California.

I knew both gentlemen - Both contributed so much and both are almost forgotten in the dust of diving history

Keep up the great work -- It is appreciated

Sam Miller, III

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