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Iguana Don

Reaction score
Attention please,
This may come as a shock to you, but the newest board member, Mrs. don and I are related via the Justice of the Peace.

Please try not to be too hard on her as she is guilty by assiciation, and she may smack me. Plus she has some really neat clothes and since she controls the checkbook I wont get any more cool dive gear if she gets mad at me.


Hello Mrs. Iguana Don,

Welcome to ScubaBoard! It's nice to meet the one who has to peal Don out of his Leopard prints every night. I look forward to seeing you around on the boards. Be sure to jump in anytime you like.

I have been following this board for quite some time now. I have watched the playful banter that goes on and the useful information it contains. I have been silent as my other half has enough opinions for me, him and several other people.

I have felt the need lately to join the group and break the silence. I feel that this a great place to be and come out of the shadows. Thanks for hours of entertainment. You are all right about one thing though ... the entertainment value is truely priceless, almost as good as our wedding night!!!!
LOL, Don on his wedding night, what a sight!

To you same as we all have recieved from the "old" participants. Eventhough Don has a large number of oppinions, I geuss there is a real chance you might have some of you own :all: - gasp!
Don't you all find it just a bit odd that Don "Claims" to be married? How do we know that these 2 aren't one in the same? I mean put all the clues together ...

Col. Mustard did it in the Library with a pair of panty hose by the light of the Disco ball ... But now the question must be asked... Is "HE" pretending to be a "HER" or is "SHE" pretending to be a "HIM"???

I mean I guess someone could be THAT crazy but how could they actually trick someone into marrying them???

(hehe, actually I have spoke to them both on the phone so I can vouch for them)

Dear Mrs. Don

I am also new to this board, and no matter if you are separate person or just one of Don's 37 discrete personalities: welcome

gozumutti - I don't think you're new if you recognize all those personalities that the Don(s) has/have.

Welcome Mrs Don from a gal in the Great White North :cold: you'll have fun with all those that float through here, I know I am.

Whether you're a figment of Don's imagination or real and bound to him by God and Law, Welcome to the board. In fact, either way, I think you've earned several gold stars just for putting up with his borrowing your clothes...that's has GOT to be aggrivating! I mean, I know he just leaves the pantyhose on the floor in a wad, not turning them right side out and ready for the next wearing. And we won't mention his stretching out the panty girdle!

But you're very lucky too... he's bound to be the most entertaining Scummy stock pond diving buddy you ever had! :)
Dons wedding night - To Much Info!!

One question? Please tell me that you don't dive the stock tank with him?
Hey Mrs Don!!

Look forward to your posts, perhaps we'll see the other side of the mysteriuos Don(a), gold Lamay clad person from the water trough :)

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