NOAA Diving Manual 6th Edition Free pdf link?

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Unfortunately the NOAA website is shut down right now so I can't check with the Agency. I found a free pdf download of the 5th edition a couple of places including here Diving Manual.pdf
My first time seeing this but was gobsmacked to have such useful information. Wondering if someone knows where the 6th maybe as a free online pdf. I searched google and couldn't come up with anything other than pay for like $120 stuff. I'll stick with the 5th if it come down to it. Thanks for your help!
Wayback Machine

The NOAA page/file was archived in December 2017 by the wayback machine. The first place to look for anything that has slipped between the cracks on the internet.

You can download their copy of it.
Wayback Machine

The NOAA page/file was archived in December 2017 by the wayback machine. The first place to look for anything that has slipped between the cracks on the internet.

You can download their copy of it.
That only provides the same link to the 5th edition that I have posted initially, no?
Speedy? Assuming that's a typo for "spendy" ?

Bear in mind that right now Congress and Trump are playing the sadly usual annual budget piss-fight games, and many things are shut down. Personally, I think we'd all do better if Congress had the audacity to pass a bill saying the first things to shut down and go unpaid were the White House and Congressional staff and salaries--including all of the elected persons, and all of the staff, including gate security. And that had to happen 30 days before the rest of the budget ran out. Give 'em some incentive on both sides.

But anything published "by" the government of the US, is owned (copyright) to "We the People". The GPO typically prints things and charges enough to cover the printing, etc. Gamesters including the DoD's various branches have been upset in the past to see that their significant expenses to put out manuals, have been "stolen" by private presses that reprint government publications, and sell them on the retail market for more than the government does. There are a number of small "presses" that were infamous for this in the 60's and some still do it, so some of these agencies now contract out their publications to private contractors--who then hold private copyrights. Clever, no?

Once the budget gets resolved, I'm sure the free version will be available for download again.
Speedy? Assuming that's a typo for "spendy" ?

Bear in mind that right now Congress and Trump are playing the sadly usual annual budget piss-fight games, and many things are shut down. Personally, I think we'd all do better if Congress had the audacity to pass a bill saying the first things to shut down and go unpaid were the White House and Congressional staff and salaries--including all of the elected persons, and all of the staff, including gate security. And that had to happen 30 days before the rest of the budget ran out. Give 'em some incentive on both sides.

But anything published "by" the government of the US, is owned (copyright) to "We the People". The GPO typically prints things and charges enough to cover the printing, etc. Gamesters including the DoD's various branches have been upset in the past to see that their significant expenses to put out manuals, have been "stolen" by private presses that reprint government publications, and sell them on the retail market for more than the government does. There are a number of small "presses" that were infamous for this in the 60's and some still do it, so some of these agencies now contract out their publications to private contractors--who then hold private copyrights. Clever, no?

Once the budget gets resolved, I'm sure the free version will be available for download again.
Shut down the Government over an argument about spending money we don’t have. Truly nonsensical.

I don't know, I think Mssrs. Franklin and Madison would have said "Ergh, we need to add another paragraph about that kind of thing" but Mister Lincoln would have said "That's not nonsense, that gross dereliction of duty and I'll see them all hung for treason." Except of course, we no longer hang people for treason, except in time of war.

No Fed? That's OK, we can hold a new convention and form a new national government in the interim. Its the folks in Guam and Puerto Rico who really have a problem, after all, they are both war prizes that belong to the Fed. Or, maybe they just were accidentally promoted to independent too?

Coming back to SCUBA, no Fed means no DOT, means for right now, don't need no stinkin hydro stamps either! (VBG)
Back on topic.....
The 6th edition is neither printed by the goverment nor free for download. The pdf will be free when the 7th edition is released. Private industry prints it and makes the money.
So, that's a different setup than the US Navy Diving Manual. Is there a Government Contract in regard to the Private Publisher of the NOAA Divers Manual? No Bid?

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