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DiveHeart Instructor
Scuba Instructor
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Thanks to Dr. Dan Goodman and his wife Elli for sharing this Awesome Scuba Art story from their children's Akiba-Schechter Jewish Day School last week.
Art with Dara
Adyra and Anna paint on the wet suit Chana is wearing.

What to Do with all that Used Scuba Gear?
When 7th and 8th graders arrived in Art class last week, they were greeted by piles of fins, snorkels, goggles, and wet suits. The class then discussed what they could do with all this used scuba gear. In the beginning, students were perplexed as to why this was art and had few ideas, but as they split into groups and talked more, they thought of more project ideas and started having a lot of fun, particularly once they discovered they could destroy the material in the process. Ideas ranged from having students wear all of the gear while other students drew them, arranging a still life composition on a table, or cutting apart the neoprene suits and rearranging them to create an unusual costume. With scissors, paint, tape, and rope their imaginations went into high gear. All of the used scuba gear was donated by the organization Dive Heart. Akiba parents Elli and Dan Goodman are active volunteers with this amazing not-for-profit that takes disabled divers on scuba trips. #scubaart #creative #art #recycle#repurpose #artist #scubatherapy #AkibaSchechterJewishDaySchool

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