Sea & Sea MMII focusing cock up HELP!!!

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David D

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Just got back from an awesome trip to PNG, and have just realised that I had the focus setting wrong for my 20mm lens Motormarine 2 ex, set at 1m focus rather than inf. Due to my reading an article on someones home page that stated the facts incorrectly!!!

Is it even worth getting the shots developed??? Or by some freak chance will some still be useable???

Almost all were taken at F11 or F8 so should have a big depth of field... Some one please tell me some good news!
Don't know your rig and don't know how some of the optics rules change because of the water/glass interface but you'
ve probably got good pix (assuming no other problems) if some of your frames contain subjects in a range of 3 to 4 feet. If not, don't waste the chemistry or the bucks to soup it.
Sorry to hear about your camera problems but this might help. Check out a book called "The New Guide to Sea & Sea" by Joe Liburdi and Cara Sherman. This is a very good book deticated to S&S cameras. Is is full of information that you will find useful. It covers the camera itself as well as all of the lens and strobes as well as how to use them. I read it on most every dive trip.
Appreciate the thoughts guys...

Took a film in to have a look, and yes, as predicted all shots with the 20mm lens are out of focus. Not so bad that you can't see what the picture is of, but looks like someone put vaseline over the lens. Bummer !!!

I might as well get them all developed though as there will be a few or more macro shots on each role which should be fine. Going to be an expensive couple of shots though!!!

Important lesson learned I guess. I'd better write the correct settings on the lens for future use.

Actually if anyone out there has any good shots of sharks or schools of Jacks and Baracudas (the most common shots that I took wide-angle) from kimbe Bay PNG, I wouldn't mind some scanned copies to complete my album/web-site...

Keep in mind that you can reject and not pay for any pics you feel are not up to par. You must examine them at the time you pick them up.

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