So many sharks

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Northern Virginia
I was diving off North Carolina last week, first time in about five years. I was happy to see so many Sand Tigers ! Big ones, little ones. Something is going right !

Off topic - but the Lionfish were cool as well .

Who did you dive with & what sites were you at?
Just asking to let everyone know how great N.C. diving could be.
Ive been out with Discovery to the Indra several times & as soon as I get Advanced Open Ill be out to the deeper stuff such as The U-352,& The Papoose, both of which Ive heard have lots of Sand Tigers.
RAD Diver:
Who did you dive with & what sites were you at?
Just asking to let everyone know how great N.C. diving could be.
Ive been out with Discovery to the Indra several times & as soon as I get Advanced Open Ill be out to the deeper stuff such as The U-352,& The Papoose, both of which Ive heard have lots of Sand Tigers.

We where in NC diving for four days. we were on the:

And for some strange reason some members of our group wanted to dive little 10 fathom rock - total waste of time and gass.

Most of the sand tigers were seen on the last 4 listed. Lionfish on the first two.

Good luck with AOW !

Yes from all Ive heard they are NO problem. Ive even read where divers had to push through them to get to the wreck.If you want more info check on The North Carolina Wreck Diver Forum & ask.Im sure they will give many specific encounters.
Sand tiger sharks for the most part are very docile and I love filming them. I got some great footage on the last trip to NC, both inside and outside of various wrecks.

Sand Tigers like any other shark are however, wild animals and if they feel threatened, like any animal will defend themselves. They are not the oceans "play things".

I once watched a diver try to "pose" a sand tiger - needless to say - in a flash he was bitten.

Enjoy, but be careful and safe.

Misplaced Priority:
Am I correct in my assumption that, although mean looking, sand tigers are not aggressive?

I have heard of them getting very aggressive around spear fisherman, go figure. When I was there in June one of the boat crew was spear fishing during our surface interval and was pursued, rather closely, back to the boat. However, even on our next dive we still had to work just as hard to get photoes of them.

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