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Whats the coffee situation there? Should I pack my Starbucks or is decent coffe available there? Can't make it without a good cup first thing in the morning.
If you're going to be in Sydney pack your Starbucks card. I was there in in September and they weren't too hard to find around town. I don't know so much about other cities but there were still plenty of places to get a good cup of coffee.
coffee...we dont have no stinking coffee down here :wink:

yes, we have starbucks (as if anyone would go there though!) and gloria jeans (im partial to the ice chocolate with skim milk, no cream and blend twice please) and michele's but in sydney, you will find most cafe's have a barissta on staff to whip you up a blend (drink in or take away)

the question really should be.... what coffee will they be serving on that boat and should you bring some better stuff? if so, hit a gloria jeans or jamica blue to buy some ground beans and take it with you

IF you do bring coffee beans to australia, DECLARE it ($220 fine if you dont declare and the beagles are good at sniffing it out) and they might not let you bring it into the country at all so look at the aussie quarantine site for hints on this

oh - and when you say cream we say milk so when we say cream we mean whipped cream.... the stuff you put on cakes/scones

cheers :D
Although I have not been there, I've heard there is an excellent coffee scene down under. head over to and check under the Australia sub forum - there are plenty of recommendations there.
We will be in Sydney prior to heading up to Cairns on the 3rd if you need us to pick you up some Starbucks if there isn't a Starbucks up in Cairns. Who knows what they will have on the boat.
coffee...we dont have no stinking coffee down here :wink:

yes, we have starbucks (as if anyone would go there though!) and gloria jeans (im partial to the ice chocolate with skim milk, no cream and blend twice please) and michele's but in sydney, you will find most cafe's have a barissta on staff to whip you up a blend (drink in or take away)

the question really should be.... what coffee will they be serving on that boat and should you bring some better stuff? if so, hit a gloria jeans or jamica blue to buy some ground beans and take it with you

IF you do bring coffee beans to australia, DECLARE it ($220 fine if you dont declare and the beagles are good at sniffing it out) and they might not let you bring it into the country at all so look at the aussie quarantine site for hints on this

oh - and when you say cream we say milk so when we say cream we mean whipped cream.... the stuff you put on cakes/scones

cheers :D

I can see it on CNN now, "wildcard busted for smugling the good stuff!"

Milk? Cream? I like my coffee like I like my women, old, weak and bitter......:wink:
So can I bring some ground beans or should I just buy it there? None of that wimpy english stuff either.

"oh - and when you say cream we say milk so when we say cream we mean whipped cream.... the stuff you put on cakes/scones"
ummmmm?:D never mind..:eyebrow:
we have a show here called Border Security... a ratings winner and the almitees watch it every monday night

so cool seeing people get busted for their nuts or mushrooms!

Frequently Asked Questions - DAFF

Listed below are some items commonly brought to Australia by travellers, if you cannot find what you are looking for you should first check the online Quarantine Import Conditions Database (ICON).


Black roasted coffee beans and ground, roasted coffee is permitted to Australia, providing the coffee is free from contaminants.

Green coffee beans are allowed into Australia if accompanied by an Import Permit and have a total weight of less than 5kg. An Import Permit may be obtained by submitting an application prior to import. AQIS will assess the application and based on that assessment, may grant an Import Permit subject to any conditions deemed necessary for safe importation, use, and disposal of those products. Applications for a permit to import can be found here. It should be noted that applying for a permit does not automatically result in a permit being issued.

If the green coffee beans are not accompanied by a valid Import Permit, the coffee beans must be destroyed or re-exported from Australia. Costs for applying for an Import Permit or re-export of the items must be paid for by the importer.

personally i would just pick some up when you get here... you have hours..... drop the gear at the boat and wander over to Cairns

just googled buy cairns coffee; buy coffee cairns - Google Search
"so cool seeing people get busted for their nuts or mushrooms!"
UUmmmm Ummm, I think I need to find some place else to go.
We will be in Sydney prior to heading up to Cairns on the 3rd if you need us to pick you up some Starbucks if there isn't a Starbucks up in Cairns. Who knows what they will have on the boat.

Your on! I'll take a quarter of a kilo of the good stuff, french roast coarse grind.I'll bring the press. Buy you all your drinks on the boat if you do this.:wink:

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