Inspiration to go diving...

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As for my personal inspiration to get certified it has to be sharks. I've always had an active interest in sharks ever since I was a small child which has since branched out into an active interest in marine life in general.

Hence learning to dive made complete sense to me, the struggles I went through in the beginning of my classes were well worth the effort in the end.

As someone who only got certified last month I unfortunately can't say I've had any experience diving with sharks, and knowing what I know about them I won't be doing any shark diving anytime soon until I log more dives and gain more experience. don't rule the sharks out early you would be missing out. My first ocean dive after getting certified this summer was a wreck off the coast of North Carolina covered with toothy sand tiger sharks between 6-12 feet long 3 rows of viscous looking teeth just as curious as you comepletly docile....Before I dove I was a bit scared and the divemaster was you'll be fine just don't pet any of them...I was like ok didn't have that in mind...It was one of the greatest thrills of my life.
My original inspiration was to escape the oppressive heat at my High School. You see it was a DOD high school in Bahrain. It was always 125 degrees and full sun there.

The school offered scuba as a PE class. It was very cool (pun intended). The teacher was a USN seal and was hard core.

We went out on some of the local boats called DOW's and did some diving in the Persian gulf. Not a lot of life there. The water was very salty and it was hot. Still very cool diving and I have been hooked ever since.
I think my biggest inspiration was watching Flipper and also Jacques Cousteau as a kid.

Except for maybe the Flipper part... that show was a little cheasy. Jacques Costeau tho on the other hand, I was glued to the TV...
People always say get out and see the world. My inspiration comes from 70+ percent of it being underwater. That and sharks.
Avaseliades, welcome to scubaboard, I'm new here too. I started diving because it seemed like a cool class to take in college and might be a fun way to see some new things and meet girls. It has turned into so much more than that.

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