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recently on my last two diving trips i had some bad symptoms : Losing of appetite , vomiting ( underwater and on the boat ), losing a lot of weight 10 kg in 20 days ) , headache , felling of fulness , bloating … i went to see a doctor and explain to him what i exactly had felt , he suspected the H pylori , he says to find out we need to do Gastroscopy put the camera in my stomach to see the inside and take some simple for lab to test it .

after the Gastroscopy i saw the pictures and he shows me Ulceration in my stomach he was sure i have H pylori but he didnt want to start treatment until he receive the results from the LAB . ( I TAKE ASPIRIN EVERYDAY THATS THE MAIN CAUSE + STRESS )

after the lab confirmation that I’m positive for the bacteria the doctor decide to start first line of therapy ( Triple therapy) : 2 antibiotics and an antacid for two weeks and then a break for 4 weeks then come back for an Urea breath test that came out Negative . (thank god ) even if i have my test negative I’m still paranoid about it and still feeling not 100/100 as before .

to give more details about what happen during my trips : the night before diving i usually sleep at 2 AM i wake up at 5 AM so few hours of rest only ( lake of sleep and weakness )

once on the boat the gasoline smell and smoke of the engine makes me want to vomit all the time plus if its windy and have some heigh waves it will make my case worser with vomiting . ( maybe i have sea sick )

thai food on the boat I’m not a big fan so what i eat during diving is just chocolate , cookies , water , coffee before the dive and light things.

once i came back from my first diving i have a big feeling of vomiting my stomach is so bloat , full of gas . and i don’t feel like eating anything i can only drink one cup of water . ( i read in DAN book that this happen because of intestinal gas-trapping at depth ) .

the second dive its always a wreck deep dive between 21 and 30 meter its have some nasty currents and close to a hole that goes deep to 90 meter for Tec divers .

so the problem always occur during this dive once I’m down on the wreck after few mins i feel like vomiting but i keep my thinking positive and try to focus on searching for nudibranchs and macro life, once I’m on my way back from the wreck i have stops every 3 meter for 1 mins starting from 18M , 15M , 12M , 9M , and a final stop of 3 to 5 mins on depth of 6M depends on gas , currents and my deco . since the currents are always strong there , the boats tie up their cord with the floating buoyant guide that comes from the surface and guide divers to the wreck , that makes you shake so much and bump during the stops especially on the last stop i feel it very strong when I’m at 6M , it increase my feeling for vomiting and most of the time i vomit at 6 meter during my safety stop , or if i could hold it once i get on the boat and smell the food or gasoline i will start throwing up .

after i throw up everything on my stomach most of the time i will cancel my third dive as i will be feeling strong headache , weakness ,and dehydration .

after reading a lot of books about Helicobacter pylori (H pylori ) bacteria i start to understand its reaction to my food ,stress and my life style so i decide to change my diet my sleeping cycle and improve my stress management , i feel so much better but still not feeling 100/100 normal and i dont want to go diving again unless i fully recover . i still have the feeling of vomiting sometimes when i smell somebody cook chicken , or after i eat something thats its not well cooked or smells strong , maybe its psychological relative .

recently i read in DAN Guide to Dive Medical more information about it i will copy and past some here :

The No-Nos ( page 101 )

Two classes of conditions can contain absolute contraindications:

1) those that can cause gastric and intestinal gas-trapping at depth; this can lead to subsequent expansion — and possible rupture — on ascent; and

2) conditions that increase the risk of vomiting underwater, which can ead to panic, rapid ascent, aspiration or drowning.

Peptic Ulceration ( pages 105, 106 )

Condition: A peptic ulcer is a breakdown of the inner lining of the stomach or duodenum, the first part of the small intestine. Acid and pepsin,

the chief active ingredient in gastric juice with acid, play major roles in creating and developing this ulcer. Peptic ulcer includes duodenal ulcer (DU) and gastric ulcer (GU); both are chronic diseases, often caused by a bacterium Helicobacter pylori. They may be caused by stress or by ingesting drugs, most commonly, aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and naproxen. Peptic ulcer is caused when defenses provided by the mucous membrane fail to protect the lining of the stomach from the corrosive effects of acid and pepsin.

Fitness and Diving: Symptoms can be sudden, severe and disabling. Usually consisting of pain in the upper central abdomen, it is often described as a sharp, burning or gnawing pain. Complications include bleeding, which can cause anemia, general fatigue and a reduced tolerance for exercise. Other complications include perforation, which requires immediate surgery, and obstruction of the duodenum.

Diving is not recommended for individuals with symptoms of peptic ulcer disease. However, one who is symptom-free for more than a month

may consider diving. Some medications used to control stomach acids may cause side effects. Check with your physician. Peptic ulcer may also be corrected by surgery. After abdominal surgery and all activities have returned to normal, one may consider scuba diving.



Best regards
I'm not a doctor, but what your doctor is doing for you is the standard treatment for H Pylori and ulcers. I'd suggest you wait until you're treatment is over and see how your symptoms are at that point. It's quite possible that everything you describe is caused by the ulcer(s).
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I'm not a doctor, but what your doctor is doing for you is the standard treatment for H Pylori and ulcers. I'd suggest you wait until you're treatment is over and see how your symptoms are at that point. It's quite possible that everything you describe is caused by the ulcer(s).
thank you for the reply
this happen in last JAN i did took the antibiotics for 2 weeks i stopped taking any medications one month and i did a urea test breath and it came out negative my doctor says i no longer have the bacteria and I'm free to go diving , i just don't feel 100/100 good maybe it psychological feeling or paranoid or maybe i need couple weeks to feel more confident and get back to the water
the infection had just started at that time lucky me i took action very fast
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yes its healed
for my case it just started the cause was that i take so much aspirin almost everyday
i will attach a picture of the gastroscopy to show you the inflammation
I personally find chocolate and coffee very tuff on my ulcer. When it is acting up it can cause nausea. I would suggest u stick to plain stuff before diving. For me tea, toast, etc.
very great points i have the same feeling normally i eat chocolate before diving to give me some energy and the coffee to stay awake and ready but i feel the same way that you say nausea and burning the doctor told me to avoid both before sleep and before diving .
he says the chocolate and coffee help to increase the h pylori bacteria in the stomach
Maybe watch what you eat, as suggested by mbs, try some seasickness medication and see how you do. You've already experienced vomiting underwater, so you know how to do that if you have to.
yes next time i will take seasickness medications as you suggest and see how i will feel about it .
and about vomiting underwater its not fun at all but i get to see some fish around me haha
i was afraid of it now i know how to deal with it , as it happen to me many times
Since you have been treated and the H. pylori infection has been eradicated you should be fine. If you are traveling to an area of the world with food and water warnings, follow the CDCs recommendations.

I have a tendency to get seasick during deep water crossings on liveaboard boats. It usually only lasts a day or less but it is a miserable day. I eat light on the day of departure and avoid alcohol. I take the motion sickness pills about an hour before we board. When we get on the boat and are still in the marina my husband heads up to the dive deck to get our gear set up and I head to the cabin to unpack our bags. After we are underway I stay up on deck in the fresh air and watch the horizon. I try to stay hydrated if I can tolerate water.

It has nothing to do with H. pylori, just my inner ear adjusting to the motion. As I said it is very unpleasant but it doesn't last long, and it doesn't happen on every trip. The next day I am fine for the rest of the trip.

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