Best military units of all time

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Ok, how about...

Royal Nova Scotia Highlanders
The Graf Spree
Buffalo Soldiers of the 516th
Lord Strathcona's Horse
Newfoundland Highlanders
British Columbia Dragoons

WreckWriter, I have to say that IMO it's way too easy to talk about military blunders and poor descisions with the 20/20 vision of history. Admitadely there are some classic blunders and ego problems that lead to stupid descisions, but often you make the call based on the incomplete information you have and you live or die with the results.

I sure agree with the Monday Morning quarter back stuff. I've been exposed a few to many times to poor decisions based on incomplete or non-existent Intel and stupidity. Once the decision and commitment is made, however; the mission must go on. I have seen many lives wasted this way!

By the way my last message should have read: US Army's 1st Special Service Force, which was a joint American and Canadian Division that fought in the Aleutian Islands, Italy and France. The currant US Army Special Forces Regiment traces its history back to this unit as does the Canadian Special Forces. It's better known as the "Devil's Brigade."
I don't believe that the captain of the Indianpolis was exonerated. His family, surviving crew members, and a teenage boy are all fighting the Navy over it.


He was exonerated. Last year I believe. Too bad he killed himself over it before the Navy did the right thing.
The pilots of the red tailed P51's...Tuskegee Airman.
Greeks under Odyseus at Troy

Lakota and Cheyenne under Crazy Horse at Little Big Horn creek

Seminoles under Osceola in Florida


There is a new movie coming out soon with Brad Pitt about the Trojan War.

Somebody in Hollywood must have figured out that with all the hoopla for the Tolkein trilogy, that there may also be viewer demand to see a modern rendition of Troy as well.

From the previews, it should be a great film.
Without question the Samurai and NInjutsu clans of Japan during their warring period, their skills were truly astonishing Z

Tom Cruise plays a pretty good role as a U.S. Cavalry officer in Japan.

Great movie. Lots of good kendo sword scenes.
Seven pages of posts and no one mentioned the Isreali Army:527: or Air Force.:anakinpod Talk about long odds with your back against the wall.
Man for man (and woman) arguably the best trained military in the world with an incredible track record.

And of course the good ol' USMC :usa: and the British Royal Marines:para:...Amphibious Green Monsters!!! (I know both have already been mentioned)

Semper Fi

The "best" depends on what you are trying to define as the best.

Hostage rescue - SAS (Delta blew it outside Tehran)

Fighting to the last man - The Cadets of Mexico City that charged the invading american soldiers without any ammnuition rather than surrender( lots of professional soldiers have done this but these were kids)

Infantry engagements - Alexander the Great's army (they did it first)

Most effective (size vs. firepower) - Enola Gay

Most Influential - Norad (they had the button)

Most fearsome - The Gerhkas

Greatest American Victory - The French at Yorktown (they did the blockading and the engineering, the american forces just shot their canon)

But really the "best" unit is the one your in because your life depends on it

MoFo our Milky Way Galexy is in the Andromeda Galexy Group.

And our sun is near the Orion Constellation.

Just a few more celestial way-points, for your navigations!


Air battles: Battle of Britain

Sea battles: Salamis during the Persian-Greek wars and Midway WW2

Land battles: Waterloo, Yorktown, Moscow vs Napoleon, Leningrad vs Hitler

Amphibious battles: Normandie (US, UK, Canadian Army) and Inchon (USMC & UN)

Surprise attacks: Pearl Harbor 12/7/1941 and NYC Twin Towers 9/11/2001

Defenses: Alamo and Thermoplyae

Routs: Dien Bien Phu 1953 and Tet 1968

Farces: Iraq 1991 and Iraq 2003
Seven pages of posts and no one mentioned the Isreali Army:527: or Air Force.:anakinpod Talk about long odds with your back against the wall.
Man for man (and woman) arguably the best trained military in the world with an incredible track record.

And of course the good ol' USMC :usa: and the British Royal Marines:para:...Amphibious Green Monsters!!! (I know both have already been mentioned)

Semper Fi


Jeff, you are speaking of two controversial wars in which both sides respectively precipiated hostilities by launching a pre-emptive strike. There is little honor in a pre-emptive strike. In the Six Day War, a lot of Arabs were killed. And in the Yom Kippur War, a lot of Israelis were killed. It was tit for tat. It would be much better if opposing civilizations would try to co-exist. Especially when they are sitting on a goodly portion of the worlds oil supplies.

Oops, did I say, "There is little honor in a pre-emptive strike"?

Hush my mouth. I forgot that the USA just launched a pre-emptive strike against Iraq. Nevermind what I said ... .
Jeff, you are speaking of two controversial wars in which both sides respectively precipiated hostilities by launching a pre-emptive strike. There is little honor in a pre-emptive strike. In the Six Day War, a lot of Arabs were killed. And in the Yom Kippur War, a lot of Israelis were killed. It was tit for tat. It would be much better if opposing civilizations would try to co-exist. Especially when they are sitting on a goodly portion of the worlds oil supplies.

Oops, did I say, "There is little honor in a pre-emptive strike"?

Hush my mouth. I forgot that the USA just launched a pre-emptive strike against Iraq. Nevermind what I said ... .

Nothing like a little flame for keeping the late night oil burning!!!

Actually I was not speaking of these two specific wars (somehow you must have read someone elses mind), but instead on their record since the inception of the Isreali state.

You call it "tit for tat". the Isrealis call it "survival" and the Arabs call it "purging".

But to go back to the YOUR specifics...Somehow 9/11(terrorists have gained honor in your eyes I see) and Pearl Harbor (about as pre-emptive as it gets) make it into your top 10 list. For some reason I sense a bias on your part. A little anti-US sentiment maybe??? Don't worry, it's in vogue these days.

It staggers me that I can make a simple post and be attacked by someone that twists what I say into something that they feel they can now righteously attack.

My apologies for whatever offense I made to you prior to this. (now I expect a nasty response...nothing like a little bashing to wake me up)

Smile, it only hurts for a second,


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