Building more business

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Reaction score
Omaha, NE USA
# of dives
500 - 999
OK, so I posed this question over in Scuba Industry News and got zero response. I thought I'd try it here.

Is anyone (retailers, liveaboard operators, resort owners, etc.) interested in forming some sort of association with the goal of increasing the number of divers in the world and, by that, building stronger, more successful businesses?

We've been pretty successful but, frankly, I've been pretty disappointed in the way the scuba industry operates. Manufacturers fight for larger pieces of an ever-smaller market, store owners talk trash about other stores and refuse to work together in any way, certifying agencies...well, let's not even go there.

What we're interested in doing is getting together with progressive, like-minded folks who truly want to expand the scuba industry. What we have to offer is our marketing expertise (and we're pretty good at wouldn't believe the amount of time and money we expend on marketing), business acumen (my business partner and I were blessed with solid successes in our previous lives) and the willingness to help others be successful. Seriously.

What we see is a weird situation where manufacturers tell retailers what they have to buy and how much instead of working to earn the retailers' business. That's not the way the rest of the world does business. We see a situation where manufacturers see the retailer as the end customer...which we aren't. Our customers are the end customers and we are the vehicle for manufacturers to get their products to them. We see a situation where sales training is nearly non-existent, resulting in confused customers and lost business.

But most of all, we see opportunity. We believe--and have the statistics to back it up--that there are millions of people out there who are interested in scuba, but they have no idea where to go to learn more. We believe that, if we do a better job of marketing, training and presentation, we can turn a large percentage of those people into divers (read: customers). We also believe that manufacturers and certifying agencies need to pony up and invest some effort and money in marketing and advertising along with us. Would you agree?

I'm not selling anything. You can have what we've spent tons of money developing for free. The only catch is that you have to have ideas to share, an open mind and the desire to expand the scuba industry. I'm not saying we can't use help...we can. We all can. But, right now, there's no one out there really making things change. We have to do that ourselves.

Is anyone interested?

I will be interested to see what the response is to your post. We are not dive shop or resort but a small business that is a combination mfg/retailer that sells and markets travel/scuba accessories. I have been a diver for almost 24 years and did a stint as a PADI instructor along the way. When I started diving in 1990 there were well over 2200 dive shops in the US - now there are barely 1,400. Let me start by saying I agree with your perspective and point of view but in the same breath, I think we have a very large mountain to climb. The lack of sales and marketing sophistication is extentsive in the industry on both sides, manufacturers and retailers. I am not saying that it doesn't exist, we deal with successful dive operations all over the world. But for every one or two that "get it", there are eight or nine that do not. That being said, we would love to join the conversation.

Steve Wilson
Thanks Steve. Glad to hear that.

I'll agree, we're looking at a big mountain. However, I've seen a few before and I'm willing to work pretty hard to effect change in this business. We already are. I welcome the help and support.

By the way, it's a small world. My house on Beaver Lake is south of Garfield near Lost Bridge. Something tells me we'll get to meet one another soon.

Anyone else?


I am willing to participate, it baffles me to that shops have such a hard time working together working together for the greater good of all concerned. It seems to me that just about every business has some sort of association, why not retail scuba? HI, NV, CO and FL have some sort of "scuba industry association" but they don't seem to be very active. Linkd-In has a "dive shop owners" group but that is dead. I certainly understand the lack of time but to spend just an hour a week to share thoughts on what works or to shine a light on a problem might just make a difference.

Some sort of united voice is needed, not all the ills of the dive industry is the fault of the dive shop owners and I am willing to do my part to hopefully make some improvement.
I would love to join the conversation. Would love to have some more specific idea of what you are suggesting though. I think that there are fairly reasonable ways to market the industry and people are certainly receptive. It is just about getting people together to do it. Obviously it is not worthwhile for one dive shop to run a national campaign to promote simply scuba diving... If there were enough people together maybe, but Im not really sure...
Not all mfg's operate the same way. I deal with those that allow me to decide what my customers need. And I do that based on what they tell me and what they buy. I actually co operate and work with a couple different shops locally and some not so local. We support each other and in that way do not have to carry every item from every manufacturer.

I would like to partner up with those doing travel as I frankly don't have the experience or contacts to do it. You almost need to have an in house travel agent these days to make a successful go of it or a long established reputation for putting together good trips. I'd be happy to send people to a shop that does this in exchange for some consideration for me. In return I have a lot of ideas on how to get people to dive locally. I also have some experience in getting people out of traditional gear set ups and putting them into what some think of as "tech gear".

Courses - written three of them and teach them rather than the agency standard. They bring people from hundreds of miles to take them. They are not cheap but they get what they pay for. I've seen AOW for 175.00. Mine this year will be the same as last year 375.00 plus equipment and expenses. I had a couple travel 7 hours with three dogs to take it. I do non cert workshops and tailor courses to the individual diver.

When selling someone gear I take into consideration their needs, wants, interests, and where they see their diving going. Then how much do they want to spend. Then I look at what's in it for me. I will send people to my competitors for items I don't have that I thin would be better for them. Although as the lines I carry expand that becomes less of a need to do. Then only thing I don't mess with and don't want to at this point is wet suits. I have others I refer to or obtain items from for my customers.
I'd love to be part of the conversation. I've been (and am) part of many aspects of the industry (school program creator, instructor, online marketing consultant, director of social media, marketing advisor for certification agencies and manufacturers, LDS employee, online retailer employee), so hopefully I can add to the conversation.
I haven't forgotten everyone. Just out diving in Belize. I'll be back next week and will work on a follow up and plan. Thanks to the few who've responded. I'd love to hear from others.

I am also interested.

I think a partnership of dive shops around the world would be nice. People travel a lot to dive, so if I can tell my tourist customers "go home and vist XXX shop, they will treat you right" and mean it that person will probably go there, we both win.

Send me a PM with your email and we can get in touch

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