Conflict in middle east

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Honestly, I can't think of a better dream than going to Sinai and getting stranded there for several weeks because there are no flights out of there. I wish it happended to me! I think I'll find what to do there... :) Do you think it is better going back to the UK rahter than staying in Sharm?
Personally, I wouldn't change Sharm with (almost) any other place...
Well, I still haven't booked my tickets, but my departure date is till going to be March 9th unless something really horrible happens. I have to go now, since I just shelled out for a brand new Henderson Ti Hyperstretch and I really need to test in while diving. I'll have a report for worried ppl (and anyone thinking of buying my wetsuit) when I return.

When I was in Fiji during the military coup we were praying for the airport to shut - I was hoping that they would dig up the runways too, but they never did.

Oh dear.

My dive buddy has just decided that Egypt during wartime is a bad idea. I still intend to go, but I am now all on my lonesome. Is anyone else on the board going to be in Dahab from the 9th - 16th? It would be nice to know at least one person when I get there,

I got a henderson Ti Hyperstretch and took it to Hawaii with me in Dec. You will love it. extremely comfortable, warm, of course it tends to envelope that spare tire rather than compress it into something resembling my form of 10 years ago. Enjoy and dont let a wee war stop you diving. In fact I believe it is your patriotic duty to spend and dive your ass off :)

I've been swim-training for around six months or so, in the somewhat misguided hope that I might try a bit of freediving (or at least weighted snorkelling :wink: while I am out there, so my spare-tire is pretty minimal right now. I bought the Henderson because it makes me look like a superhero. Kind of. In the right light. Only without the muscles and chicks and charisma and stuff.

When I went to Israel in November some local divers were asking why we had come and if we were mad, because of the politics, but to be honest I think people went out of their way to make us feel welcome and the diving was better because there were less people on the boats etc.

I'm heading to Dahab (hopefully) myself with about three others, but that isn't until 12th April, but if you get stranded I might see you there :)

Besides, if you look like a superhero, then nobody will hassle you.

As Vicky said, there would be a lot worse things that could happen than be stranded in the Sinai with only a couple of dozen dive centres for company.
OK. Spent 18yrs in Saudi Arabia. Was there for Iran vs. Iraq, Irag vs. Kuwait, World vs. Iraq (how many times?) BinLaden vs. Saudi (yup - you're no the only ones), Suni vs. Shiah, and MANY more that never made the news (they keep a tight lid on most of it).

what can I say to this thread? SUCK IT UP AND GO DIVING!

If you keep your head about you and don't go prancing around with Camo cargo pants and a big US flag on your jacket, shouting "yippy USA" - chances are you'll be ok.

the situation has been EXACTLY the same for thest 20yrs over there. just when the US gets involved it gets the world spot-light.

Words to live by in the Middle East? "Enjoy yourself, soak in a rapidly vanishing culture! But keep your head down and your mouth Shut."

Ruu - get some training before you start freediving - It's the most fun you'll ever have - just read up on Shallow Water Blackout and take a buddy. Have a great time - been to the RedSea 6 times - 5 of them for freediving and would go back in a heartbeat.

SInce I'm not American (although I do live in DC, I am British), the chances of me waving the flag et al are somewhat remote. Frankly, my chances of being involved in something nasty are probably higher in DC than they would be in Dahab right now, and I still intend to go.

Are there any recommended texts / courses for freediving that you would recommend?

A simple web seach will churm up a lot of info - beware! a lot of it is B.S.

I'd Check out the forum and be prepared to spend a few hours/days reading all the ifo they've got there. I can't praise it enough - honestly I learn something new there everytime I log on.

There are some great books by Terry Maas and Carlos Eyles.

Proformance Freediving with Kirk Krack is a great place to start. guy is a legend in Freedive Coaching.

The Brits have a kick-ass National Team - and some pretty good literature on the sport - you can find some of them on Deeperblue.

If you get on Deeperblue and have any questions, PM me, my handle is the same.

and good call on DC. that can be a nasty town. never really enjoyed the time I spent there.

tickets are booked. fly on april 20. dahab for 2 weeks and then down to hurgada for a one week live-aboard.
thanks for the comments everyone.
any suggestions on a good place to do a dive-mater course in dahab? or any tips on the ferries between sharm and hurgada?

p.s. vicky, you're right, getting stuck anywhere outside the rain of dublin's april would be a treat.

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