did anyone see that ridiculous on the edge show that was on last night?

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Greenwich CT Hernando beach FL
It was the documentary on thoose NZ divers that penitraited into an uncharted aquafer a chopper ride from any civilization down to 250FSW on compressed air and one of them died. Not only was the show absurd but the dive plan was insain. They claimed they could not afford to do the dive on trimix. The final and fatal dive their support diver setting up the deco tanks rips his dry suit at the beginning of the dive , doesnt tell the others , doesnt get all the deco tanks out and then aborts solo. from there the 2 decend to 250 signal ok and one assends ,, the other does he sinks. diver 1 goes back down to 280 where diver 2 is now unconsious checks him out and leaves him there. no inflating him to float him no nothing. Then they completely abandon him there and 18 months later a new team on trimix has to go get him. There was no actual information. The dive was riddled with stupidity and ignorance with gear , plans and the actual expierence of the divers.
major thumbs down for giving recognition and glory to a recklass group who did nothing more then kill one of their friends with ignorance.
I saw it. The show seemed to glorify these clowns as if they were doing something cool.
What the hell channel was this and what was the name of the show? Can't afford Trimix? I remember it used to be pretty expensive but hasn't the price gone down?
[SARCASM]So, was this on MTV's Jack**s or Fear Factor? [/SARCASM] :rolleyes:

Sounds like proof that Darwin was right to me.
I saw it a few weeks ago, what a cluster....

I think it was a good teaching tool of what not to do.
I like how they made it look like the guys doing it on air were doing some crazy dangerous but very noble exploration or something like that, but glossed over the guys who swooped in with trimix, did the recovery, and went home.
i saw it another time it was on & there were definitely lack of communication issues. i can't speak to if the plan was fubar or not - ow - but some of the missed stuff was so basic!
the show is called Adventures on the Edge i dont remember what channel it was

national geographic channel.
im a new diver
i also seen the show last night
when i heard 250 foot dive on reg air i thought wow there luck all 3 didnt die
i was taught that the max deepth for air was 140 ft
im new so if im wrong /im wrong
im going to re read my manule tonite

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