Diver attacks great white.....YIKES!!

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Diver attacks great white
DEAN "Deano" Stefanek spent 30 minutes battling an enraged 6m great white shark – and lived.

The South Australian tuna diver has told how he volunteered to jump into a tuna pen to try to kill the injured shark.

"Somebody had to do it, no one else was too keen, so I went in," Mr Stefanek, 38, said.

The struggle took place recently at a tuna farm off the coast of Mexico and the tale of the Aussie who "wrestled" the fearsome fish has spread.

Mr Stefanek, who returned to Port Lincoln this month after a six-month contract working on Mexican tuna farms, played down his feat.

"It was one of those things that just happened," he said. "The shark had got in by biting its way through the bottom of the net after detecting a couple of dead fish.

"There was just no way we could get it out, so the decision to kill it was made and some blokes shot it – but no way it would die.

"It started to get messy and I jumped into the water and swam outside the net so I could shoot it with a power head (spear-fitted with a shotgun cartridge)."

The white pointer became enraged and began thrashing around the 45m tuna net.

"Someone had to go in," Mr Stefanek said. "I was the most experienced diver there and no one else was too keen, so I went inside the net.

"The shark saw me and went berserk. I tried to kill it quickly and fired at its head, which only stunned it.

"I fired eight more times and it kept coming back and thrashing. I think it was then that I started to get a bit scared.

"Another diver could see I was in trouble and came inside the net – we figured we were not going to kill it and I thought we'll have to drag it out."

Mr Stefanek surfaced and called for a rope and pulley and dived again to tie a rope around the shark's tail.

While the fish was distracted with another diver, Mr Stefanek looped and knotted its tail and signalled to start winching.

"It was after I looked at it on the boat I realised it was huge," he said. "No one there had ever seen a shark so big and there were a few stunned and amazed looks.

"The great pity was it had to be killed – particularly as it was wounded.

"I know they (great whites) are becoming extinct. But there is only one of me and it could have made me extinct very quickly."
I've heard stories of these Tuna Farm Divers before.

Rather interesting job they have...
Maybe it's just the shark lover in me but...

The white pointer became enraged and began thrashing around the 45m tuna net.

*looks up alternate words for "enraged"*



I know they (great whites) are becoming extinct. But there is only one of me and it could have made me extinct very quickly.

Men as a whole are far from extinct, billions of 'em left in the world.

It's in an interesting article...it just saddens me when these beautiful animals are killed. It saddens me even more when they are made out to be killing man-eating machines. You never see pictures of a Great White swimming by with it's mouth closed. Only with teeth bared and fresh blood in it's mouth. I hate it. :(
My bet is someone just wanted to brag about shooting a great white.

So they're not protected in Mexico? The original shooter would be in jail here in Oz for that.

Nevermind apex predator, that animal was probably an "apex reproducer".
NatureDiver once bubbled...

It's in an interesting article...it just saddens me when these beautiful animals are killed. It saddens me even more when they are made out to be killing man-eating machines. You never see pictures of a Great White swimming by with it's mouth closed. Only with teeth bared and fresh blood in it's mouth. I hate it. :(

Would you rather have the shark drown in the net? The article says that there was no way it was going to get out. If there was any chance of that, do you think the divers would have gotten in the water with it?

My bet is someone just wanted to brag about shooting a great white.

Maybe but something that big in a net isn't going to be easy to free. Sometimes **** happens and you have to deal with it.
on TV recently titled, "The Worlds Most Dangerous Jobs".

This particular episode was about tuna fisherman and the focus was on the guys that go in the net and release sharks that get tangled in the net. They cut holes in the net as well as cut the netting away from the shark so it can swim freely upon it release.

As you can imagine in dealing with any trapped animal the risk of injury to both the animal and the person trying to release them is very high.
NatureDiver once bubbled...
Maybe it's just the shark lover in me but...

*looks up alternate words for "enraged"*



Men as a whole are far from extinct, billions of 'em left in the world.

It's in an interesting article...it just saddens me when these beautiful animals are killed. It saddens me even more when they are made out to be killing man-eating machines. You never see pictures of a Great White swimming by with it's mouth closed. Only with teeth bared and fresh blood in it's mouth. I hate it. :(

How bout this.... http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=514&e=9&u=/ap/20031102/ap_on_re_us/shark_attack
jbd once bubbled...
on TV recently titled, "The Worlds Most Dangerous Jobs".

This particular episode was about tuna fisherman and the focus was on the guys that go in the net and release sharks that get tangled in the net. They cut holes in the net as well as cut the netting away from the shark so it can swim freely upon it release.

As you can imagine in dealing with any trapped animal the risk of injury to both the animal and the person trying to release them is very high.

I saw the same episode on Tuna Cowboys and I was amazed at the lenghts these divers go to to remove very large and very dangerous sharks from the tuna pens. And while it may be illegal to kill the sharks in territorial waters around Australia, there is no real or enforceable legal requirement or economic incentive to save them in international waters. Yet these divers risk life and limb to spare these sharks. I was impressed by that as much as I was impressed by the way they have efficiently managed and preserved an entire fishery.

I am not disturbed that the occassional shark has to be killed as it is just too risky to be removed as these people actually believe in ecology and live by those beliefs instead of just talking about them.

NatureDiver once bubbled...
Maybe it's just the shark lover in me but...

*looks up alternate words for "enraged"*



Men as a whole are far from extinct, billions of 'em left in the world.

It's in an interesting article...it just saddens me when these beautiful animals are killed. It saddens me even more when they are made out to be killing man-eating machines. You never see pictures of a Great White swimming by with it's mouth closed. Only with teeth bared and fresh blood in it's mouth. I hate it. :(

NatureDiver - no offense intended, but if you are that passionate about it, maybe you should pursue a job in the tuna diving industry. You'd have a whole lot more credibility making those types of statements about what other people do once you've been there and done it yourself.

Or maybe you should consider refocusing your energies on making changes in industries that kill literally thousands of sharks per day such as long line and drift net fishing.
I definitely plan on focusing my energies on the mass slaughter of these and other animals one day..when I have the education and means to get people's attention. I plan on devoting my life to the conservation of animals and more specifically, marine life. I am working towards my first degree so that I can have an impact on these things I feel strongly about. How bout this CincyBengalsFan:


You're right though, DA Aquamaster, it's hard for me to have any credibility when I haven't had the chance to work in these types of jobs. But I am not against fishing or anything like that, I am just against the unneccessary deaths of animals as a result of humans. Shark-fishing is one thing, if you plan on using the whole thing, shark-finning on the other hand is a complete waste and lack of respect for the natural world. That's like killing a bear just for the claws to make a necklace. It's a waste and that's what I am against. One day when I am in a better position to make these statements, I will but that doesn't make me feel any less passionate about it now.

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