Emount zeiss 50mm macro

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According to my dealer the lens be available in early may , we hope that it is true.


Early May?? That is even later. Grrr. Thanks Marsh nice to hear your news and notes on the lens and extensions. Great thinking on the FF conversions. Good luck with the marriage. Will try out the 12mm some time here at home if I get a chance but do have a lot of teaching coming up. Might give it a try in Fiji at Easter as there for a wedding

Shot with the Sigma 60 & 26mm extension tubes a little bit in Puerto Galera last month. Got some decent shots but the limited focus range is a bit of a bear to deal with in terms of subject matter. I ended up using my 18-55 more because I didn't want to miss shots outside the short focus range. I tried to load a few small jpegs shot with it, but the photo upload failed for some reason?

B&H says the Zeiss 50mm e-mount macro will be out next week on April 28th. I think that is fairly accurate, as it's now listed on eBay coming out of Japan, so we know it's in production. We should see it soon here in the US and perhaps Europe too.

Roger Cicala at LensRentals.com - Rent Lenses and Cameras from Canon, Nikon, Olympus, Sony, Leica, and more who publishes lens tear downs, including some of Zeiss e-mounts, said it may be possible to remove the 3mm filter/hood holder so the lens fits Port 72, but he won't know until his company has one in stock. If not, I suspect a 20mm mini-port extension will work fairly well if one wants to keep using Port 72, especially if they have the expensive 67mm swing mount.

I'm return back to the states next month and it will be a while, maybe close to a year, before I go diving again, so no hurry here since it won't be in my NA-NEX7 housing anytime soon. The new ZEN macro system looks promising with it's use of both the Canon 60 and 100mm macro, so I've got time to wait and see how things pan out with the Z50.

You should have your complete NEX system soon. Looking forward to seeing something out of the Zeiss 12 and 50mm work out for you.

Happy diving.

Thx Marsh. Just got back from Fiji but mainly used Zeiss 24. Will use macro Anilao in July

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Yeh! status for my order has now changed to "on order". So looks like the 50mm macro is finally a reality.
I have new informations about the port-combination for the Zeiss 50mm Macro. Nauticam writes me on Facebook:
"for the 50mm, use macro Port 45 + 30mm extension"

Thx that is good info. Will order an extension

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---------- Post added April 29th, 2014 at 01:59 PM ----------

Was that the Nauticam USA site or other?
Thanks Tino,

Looks like the measurements the engineer gave me and my prior calculations were spot on. I doubt the lens will be 3mm shorter than reported to fit into Port 72 or Nauticam would have said so in their FB port announcement :-( I don't need it for the next 9 months or so, so there will be time to see if Roger Cicala at LensRentals.com can easily and safely remove the lens hood mount shortening the lens to fit Port 72.

Still happy the lens is here and look forward to optical reviews and use by members. If anyone gets the lens, can you measure the flange to the outer filter mount rim for me?


I have the macro port so don't mind too much gettign the extension ring. Will still be smallish system I guess. Will let you know when I get it and use it. May not be until late June.

I was meaning to ask you if you were using the Z24 in the 4.33 dome w/o extension? Using my Sony 16mm with the wide angle adapter worked okay for my underwater video wedding proposal with my GF :) However, seeing all the backscatter when doing stills made me realize how much effort there is in WA unless one is in very clear water. I remember Dianne, a Filipina diver saying she works mostly with macro because of the difficulty of controlling backscatter. There's always particulates in the water in the Philippines, so now I see what she was talking about.

I've been wanting to do some seascape panaramas similar to what I get with my kit at 18mm in Port 72, but the CA is just so terrible in the corners/edges, partly due to the lens optics, but also because I'm using a flat port. I've thought about using the Z24 prime in the 4.33 and using CS6 to digitally stitch together 2 or 3 24MP stills for some large and wide printable seascapes. How has the resolution and corner sharpness been when working with the Z24?



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