Fitness Members Only Weekly Journal 4/23

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What has been working really well for me so far is:
A banana or similar for breakfast
Something sensible for lunch. I usually end up eating lunch out with the guys from work. I pay attention to what I get but am not really strict here. I try to keep it under about 500 cals for the meal.
For dinner I really load up on boiled and raw veggies along with either a hamburger patty, fish or a chicken thigh cooked on the grill. The veggies help to fill me up and I can eat all of them I want.
5 nights a week I ride my exercise bike for 10 miles-half hour
and almost every night do a few sets of curls with a 20lb weight. Sundays I'm in the pool for 3-5 hours with a scuba class but it is mostly just floating around and not really strenuous. If I ever feel like I have been "bad" I get on the bike for an extra 5 miles afterwards.

Things I have cut out (from lunch) are:
fast food with any kind of special sauce
non diet sodas - Those are about 170 cals each!

no beer but all the water I can drink and beef bullion for when I need something with flavor.
no snacks except veggies.

So far I'm down 10 pounds in a hair over 2 weeks. If I drop another 30 I will be in heaven (a lot smaller pants and that shorty wet suit that I bought a size too small. Doh!).
Just got back from my run. I'm up to walk 2/run 2, so that feels really good, even if my calves are killing when i'm done :p I took the dog along tonight. He's getting fat too, so if it's good for dad, it's good for him too. He seemed to enjoy himself until he almost tripped me going after a rat-dog. Goofball. Got a clean pair of jeans out yesterday and they were already loose - without a few days of break-in :)

Biggest thing is that I've managed to cut down soda consumption from 2 or 3 regular sodas a day to maybe 2 diet sodas a week. No chips or other junk food during the 6 'behave myself' days. And for the most part, i really don't even want it anymore. My boss did bring back some killer peanut brittle from California, so I did have a temporary moment of weakness today, but other than that, I feel good about what I'm doing. This is week four and I can't believe how quickly this has become habit!

Tomorrow, I'm meeting a friend of mine to get him started. Good lord, who would have thought that I'd be a excercise/diet/mostly clean living evangelist??? :)

Keep it up everyone!

OK, today was a little worse....actually been getting worse throughout the week

Been a bad week, up at 5:45 am for a 70 mile drive to a job site, until 4 pm, then back home (avoiding the starbucks frappucino I've wanted every day). Tonite (wed) caught up to me, didn't make it to the gym (and the Laker game didn't help) and didn't take care of myself for dinner - fast food, first time in two weeks.......

breakfast - 4 oz cheese, strawberry cereal bar, soy mocha
Lunch - smoothie
dinner - ummm,can't remember, but it was healthy...
Exercise - 2000 yd swim

Breakkie - same
lunch - same + lo carb bar
Dinner - 2 Trader Joe's chicken rice and bean burritos
Exercise - 1/2 hour stairmaster, 1000 yd swim

Breakfast - Same + banana
Lunch - same plus sugar free cookie
DInner - aforementioned fast food :-(
Exercise - Climbing up and down scaffolding all day :)

I had a much better day yesterday, although I did not think I was really off on Monday or Tuesday. At any rate I was more careful with keeping down my points. I did have to swap activity points and add in 1 flex point. But, honestly I am at the weight range that requires a pretty low target already. I am only allowed 22 points and when I lose about 5 more I will be decreased to 20 points for my target. I don't think I can have many of those 20 point days. What I need now is to find alot of 0-1point foods that I can eat on the run and have as fillers for snacks. Help!

I drank so much water last night I was up almost every hour going to the bathroom. That is annoying too! But, by my Bathroom scales I did drop another bit, so if I can keep that down then my weigh in for next week will be down too!

I have a busy day off today, first a dental appointment then the allergy shots. That should keep me out of the snacking today, especially since my mouth will be numb for awhile. Later, I have to pick up my grandson from daycare and take him home. My husband and I are going out for a late dinner. I am going to make that as light as possible too.

Hope everyone sticks with it. I have to start remembering my mantra " Plan the day and stick to the Plan" that will help me more than anything. Because we all know that when we don't stick to our plan that is when things go wrong!

See you all lighter, uh later!
Gaaahhhhh, dying on my feet here, eating less/healthier is work, but getting the number of workouts i want to do in is becoming harder by the day, spending far too much time in work and then out doing other things in the evenings, as well as being unable to get up in the mornings is taking its toll on what i feel able to do. Will keep trying harder, but making time is such a pain.
31 miles outside on the bike this week. I cut out all the pretzels and Pringles. My home scale showed 2 pounds less this morning. I'll let you know what the WW scale says later today!
WOAH! I'm at a loss now... haven't changed anything diet wise, well, I did indulge in a great little veggie burger thing tuesday but thats it. Anyway, I stepped on the scale at the gym last night and it read 224! Right, thats what I'm saying "Huh?"

I'm wondering if after my 3 days of dive romperoom play then hit the office again with my gym time being limited to some time between working at the office then hitting clients after work for my own business.... is my body holding, er.. water or something? I'm certain its not much else since my metabolism has always been high and continues to be so even after the dietary change.... I am stumped as to how I slipped on 4# in 3 days but have no visual outward change.
Colin...all your excercise could be turning that fat to muscle! It weighs more but will burn more calories. I sometimes see a 2-4 lbs fluxuation from day to day, depending on whether I ate 'heavy' protein food, water consumption, time of day, etc. That's the big reason I don't weigh every day. I weigh in officially on Tuesdays, then I'll weigh again at home on Friday or Saturday. Just don't ask me about the musroom swiss cheese burger and fries I had last night! I did NOT step on the scales this morning!

It'll all even out, you're doing great!
Thats what I was thinking. The biggest difference between this week and last week is that last week I took off Thursday afternoon and drove upstate 4 hours - from that point on I ate light (except breakfast) during the day, i.e. for lunch and travel snack I had smoked mullet and thin sliced home-made beef jerky that I split with my wife and son. That trend carried on through the weekend mixed with the set up of camp, setting up dive gear, diving every few hours for several days, tear down of camp drive home the 8 hour scenic way with several stops.

Since Monday its been eat light, drinking the same amount of water, the gym was skipped because I had to clean gear and set up to dry before stowing as we had company coming into town the following day and dinner that night. Tuesday was nothing but office sit, light light eating and water and again skip gym - dinner with family new company in town. Yesterday, same as Tuesday followed by a whopper of a workout!

All sort of interesting... I know my weight used to shift as much as 4# in a day in my early 20's. My wifes uncle still can experience as much as an 8# difference in a day. I think its time to take advantage of the afternoons being long again and not schedule so many client calls after work so I can go home and get on das bike to cycle before the sun gets down... I've got a $1500 road bike thats just aching for some miles to be put on it again! :)
:dazzler1: So far, down about 2 pounds since Tuesday which puts me under 230! (228) First time in years. :dazzler1:
Still doing the banana for breakfast which takes the place of my usual 2 breakfast buritos from the clown. Today I made chicken and rice for lunch and dinner. 2 chicken thighs and a total of 1 cup(uncooked) rice with some yummy morrel mushrooms. I had 1 thigh for each meal. I had a couple of carrots a bit ago to get rid of the munchies.
Just finnished a 30 minute-13 mile ride on the stationary bike which, according to the bike computer, burned off about 450 calories, then did 2 sets of 10 curls with a 20lb weight. Drinking some water now. I'm shooting for -5lbs by next Tuesday for the weigh-in.
Tomorrows lunch will be a bit harder to control because I will be downtown working and will end up eating out. I'll find something acceptable though.
If I can do this so can you all. Keep at it and remember, support is right here if you need it!

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