Fort Wethrill Dive Reports Sat 8-9-14

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Reaction score
Rhode Island, USA
# of dives
1000 - 2499
Dive 2038: 8-9-14 Saturday Jamestown, FTW, Bull point. FaithC, Wspalding Cardis01, and I did a nice dive. Conditions on the surface were sunny and warm, water was calm with light swells and no chop, boat traffic was heavy. Plan was to dive with the wall on our left at 40-50fsw until one us (me) hits ½ their air supply then ascend to 30-20fsw and go back. Surface temp was 68C bot temp 65C visibility was 10’-15’ depending on the area and the depth. Tide was low slack but at Bull point the slack is hard to find because of the shape of the shore line and even the depth. The tide was still coming in at 50fsw and was getting stronger pushing us away from our egress. We turned early in case we (I) needed more air to swim against the current. The current weaken then changed direction and it turned into a rather nice drift dive with about 15’ vis in that area. We were able to linger in the shallows drifting around slowly using up the remaining portion of our (my) usable air. Used 2200psi of 21% Max depth 50fsw bot time 38 min total dive time 45 min. For a FTW dive it was pretty good a 6-7 out of a RI TEN.

Dive 2039: 8-9-14 Saturday Jamestown, FTW, Fort Cove/West Cove, FaithC, Wspalding and I managed to get down the goat path, across the rocks and into the water without falling or even hurting ourselves, no small feat. (North shore divers think Folly Cove X’s2.) We descended into about 3’ vis that got to about 6’ at 25fsw. We cut thru the shallow cutout between the mainland and the outer point into West Cove. I didn’t trust the currents around that point this long after slack. We were surprised with about 15’ vis on the other side and got a good look at the many overhangs in West Cove. There was a lot of small life in the water even saw what looked like krill (sea monkeys) swimming around. We had air left so we went to the far side of the cove for a while. On the way back to the egress I saw a Schoolie striper but being Sat it must have been out of school because I didn’t see any others. Max depth 25FSW 45 min used 2300 psi of 21%.

I had a great time today with some really nice people. The diving was pretty good too! Thanks to all for coming out especially those that had 2 hour drives to get here! Hope to be diving with you all again soon.
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Had a great time on my dive # 21 & 22! Don't know if Ill ever catch up to your numbers.
Again, thanks for organizing and guiding. I really enjoyed both sites, but that Bull Point entry and exit is a doozy. Worth it for the drift dive. :)
Had a great time on my dive # 21 & 22! Don't know if Ill ever catch up to your numbers.
Again, thanks for organizing and guiding. I really enjoyed both sites, but that Bull Point entry and exit is a doozy. Worth it for the drift dive. :)
I enjoyed diving with you, you are doing great! I was observing your in-water skills and I thought you looked very comfortable. Like a dork I didn't defog my mask on that second dive and had to flood/clear it to unfog it. Wow, that cool water is refreshing! haha. I'm going to have to practice some cold water remove and replace skills with my mask.
Here's the report of the dives the club I mentioned made Sat.

Well, the weatherman certainly called yesterday correctly. Nice seas to and from Block. We did
two dives on the Grecian and one on the Lightburne.

Dive 1: We pulled up to the wreck and to our pleasant surprise found a nice mooring on it. Any time
you don't have to grapple a ship wreck it is the start of a good day. Before we splashed we had a nice
visit from a Mola Mola who came in and said hi. He was right off our stern and almost close enough to
touch. We ran a safety line down to the wreck and were off. Visibility was a crystal clear 20 feet.

Dive 2: Our friend Pat C. showed up on Baccala and said hello. It's always great to see Pat. What a great
guy! Visibility increased to 25 feet on the second dive and it was just terrific.

Dive 3: Lightburne. Visibility at times reached 30 feet and this is always a nice leisurely 60 minute dive.
I took 2 shots at a couple of Taugs and missed them both. I'm starting to feel like the "Bad Hunter". :)

Steaks and rum at the house afterwards. Thanks guys for coming out!
I enjoyed diving with you, you are doing great! I was observing your in-water skills and I thought you looked very comfortable. Like a dork I didn't defog my mask on that second dive and had to flood/clear it to unfog it. Wow, that cool water is refreshing! haha. I'm going to have to practice some cold water remove and replace skills with my mask.

Same here Will & thank you! I think taking a buoyancy course right after my OW cert made all the difference for comfort and control in the water. Hope we can dive together again.

I did my check out dives in a local quarry and I think the temps were around 62 at most. So I know exactly what that mask clearing feel like. Lol.

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