How to post HD vids on Net?

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I know I'm an opinionated prick, LOL, however... Reading this thread makes me realize the beauty of the Apple platform. I'm not anti-PC, but sorry Windows, too many nightmares. Ugh. Made the switch to mac (G3) in 1998 and never looked back. Let's face it: Windows is a business platform for Word, email, Don't ask it to do creative unless you are willing to spend upwards of 6 grand for a work station, even then you're stuck with Vista? Which of the many flavors? What cards; video, audio, graphics, will/won't work with it this time? And it goes on and on, you know it to be true, I know it too because I trouble shoot for a post house using both platforms. I can tell you the PC is rarely firing on all cylinders, even the Avid. They NEVER edit on a PC with a client present. Nothing says, "I SUCK" like a crash while a client is in the room. Save up, get an iMac with Apple's 100 dpi 24" cinema display. That's how you get HD on the web! I do give high regards to Pinnacle software for stability. The joke is: Only crashed twice today? Can't yet be lunchtime. If you'd like to read a iMac vs. Dell XPS One you can make to jump to: » Dell XPS One: compete with iMac
Well thank you for that absolutely uninformed, biased, opinion. I edit on a PC nearly daily, and have for over 5 years. I've used Canopus DVStorm SE, Premiere 6.0 and 6.5, and Sony Vegas 6.0 and 8.0. I have not had the crashes you speak of, my system cost nowhere near $6k (though a comparable Mac would), and I edit with clients over my shoulder all the time. My job demands it.

Funny you mention Pinnacle for it's stability when nearly anyone who edits on a PC knows that Pinnacle has long been shunned for it's flaky software and hardware issues.

Final Cut Pro on the Apple platform is truly a fine piece of software, and I'd cut anything from a 10 second spot to a basic feature length film on it. It also has amazing outside support from Apple and third parties (like RED). But to be honest, other than running FCP, there isn't a single thing I'd prefer a Mac for. Nada.

Now can we get back to discussing publishing video to the web, and not bashing people's choice of editing platform?

Turnkey Editing System Review: DVGear DV Dream Matrox RT.X2 Follow the link to an informed unbiased PC review of a PC video work station. Fact is for hobby video a $600 Dell with USB port and no Firewire external drive is hardly capable. A $2400 Dell will do it, but an iMac crushes it for less money. And I mean with the Mac running Vista!!!!!!! And, runs any PC software you've got. Running native OSX there is no argument, but just in case my opinion is worthless. See Walter Mosberg's column in the Wall Street Journal.
I don't know what you use or why, my scuba friend. If it's so good why do you need five video programs? This is my opinion and I'm sharing it with people in this forum. They deserve to hear varied opinions of what works and what doesn't. Not the usual PC shun anytime anyone's in disagreement. I'm not spouting, I'm stating! 'real world' issues faced everyday by pro editors who know what they're doing. Opinion is especially valuable to the non-professional. Why should they get bogged down in all the PC issues LISTED IN THIS VERY THREAD, for crying out load. I'm bashing? They might want to know BEFORE they buy so they don't need to cry in here when stuff doesn't work!
I don't work for Apple, Apple works for me. And it works very well. I'm not attacking you, personally. It's only a computer platform! And please, don't tell me what to post unless you can prove me wrong. Lastly, I have to laugh; didn't you just bash Mac & Pinnacle in your censure??? Pinnacle is now owned by AVID.
Maybe a separate thread dedicated to the pros/cons of video editing in PC vs. Mac would be a better place to discuss this ?

There's a bunch of those already, and they all read exactly the same. The fact is NO ONE on this thread had anything to say until decided to tell us how much better his Mac was than everyone else's system. And in the two lengthy posts he made, not once did he even address the original posters issue of how to upload HD video to the internet and where it could be hosted.
Last comments then I am done with this garbage...

I don't know what you use or why, my scuba friend. If it's so good why do you need five video programs?

In case you missed it, the 5 programs listed, outline a history of programs I've used over the past five years without the supposed prevalent issues you think seem to plague PC users.

This is my opinion and I'm sharing it with people in this forum. They deserve to hear varied opinions of what works and what doesn't.

No one asked what system you edit with. The poster wanted to know how to upload HD video to the internet. Maybe you can tell him how you upload video from your Mac to Stage6. I'd even be curious how you do that.

Why should they get bogged down in all the PC issues LISTED IN THIS VERY THREAD, for crying out load.

All what PC issues? How to select a codec? How to add video to the timeline and render? From the original poster's comments, within a matter of hours he was able to figure out how to do this and he has published videos on Stage6 (that I watched and enjoyed). Not sure what you mean by "bogged down".

Lastly, I have to laugh; didn't you just bash Mac & Pinnacle in your censure??? Pinnacle is now owned by AVID.

Laugh all you like. I am not sure how my saying that FCP was an awesome program, but I see no reason to leave the PC for a Mac, is bashing. Nor do I find that offering factual information about the years of well known issues related to Pinnacle, bashing. Yes, Avid bought Pinnacle. Otherwise it would likely have ceased to exist. Great move by Avid to tap into the hobbyist market.
The fact the HC-7 also skips and "pauses" occasionally when I'm filming topside footage suggests an inherent problem with the camcorder itself, whether it be the model or my individual one. No computer involved in those cases.

Dr. Bill, have you taken your HC7 in for service. I haven't seen this problem. Along with the other problems you've been posting about your camera, I'm wondering if you just lucked out in the lottery and got a lemon.
Dr. Bill, have you taken your HC7 in for service. I haven't seen this problem. Along with the other problems you've been posting about your camera, I'm wondering if you just lucked out in the lottery and got a lemon.

I believe Dr. Bill has found this to be a battery related issue - at least some of the problems he mentioned have gone away I think. Bill?
If you use a PC witch I do and all the systems are great compared to splicing! Get Sorenson Squeeze and squeeze it any way you want. You will never get true HD to the Net! It runs uncompressed at 25mb per sec and no connection can handle it so far. You start out with good you get good its that simple. You are looking for a place to upload and park your video and each service tells you what format and the size of the file! I degrade mine on the web so I can sell a 720p disk or a Blue-Ray in order to get the real thing! The thing to look for is who will give you the biggest parking space and use your file system. Sorenson is your answer! To each in their own way! Thats why the call it art!

Sorensen is nice, but it's not the end all, be all. And it takes significantly higher bit rates to give the quality of h.264/avchd. ProRes, Cineform, DVCProHD, etc, all give cleaner video.

I also disagree that you cannot get real HD on the net. Sure you can. You can even do 2k or 4k on the net. You just can't STREAM it. I have several REAL HD files on my Stage6 site. Short 1920x1080p mpeg4 files just like you'd get with Blu-Ray. However, I am using lower bit rates to keep file download sizes reasonable. I could easily encode them at blu-ray rates if I didn't care about the file sizes.

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