Is there a signal for "Out of no-stop time"?

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The standardization of signals is a real problem, like your "no-D" signal DA Aquamaster's "question" flies in the face of the standard open palm and might be confused with both and "OK" and a "Stop." We need to be careful because we tend to count in binary, if I flipped you the bird underwater, I'm most likely trying to tell you "four!"
I agree with you and prior to getting heavily involved in cave diving, I never saw much in terms of standardization.

For example in a cave environment an open palm when combined with a movement up would imply "move up" rather than a question.

Also some signs in cave diving require a manadatory acknowledge by repeating the signal. "Ok" is one of them as it is a question that demands a response. "Hold" is another as in low viz if you want someone to hold - for example on the line while you cross a jump or gap - you want to be sure they understand so that no one moves off the guidline untl you have placed the jump or gap reel properly.

So if they misinterpret "question" with "Ok", not real likely as they do look a lot different, it will get sorted out quickly.

Another signal you might find useful is "remember this." Cross the index and middle fingers and touch them to your temple. Good when you want your buddy to note something seen or done during the dive, for discussion once you're topside.
In cave diving, crossing your index and middle fingers means "line" and if I need you to tie off the line from your primary reel, safety spool, jump reel, etc I will point at where I need you to tie it off and then make a small circling motion. If there is an entaglement with the line, I give the line sign in a small figure 8 motion. So in a cave, a crossed fingers sign pointed at your head is potentially interpreted as "the line is in my head" or misinterpreted as an invitation to "tie the line off on my head". One way or the other it will get you a really funny look at best.


I am admittedly biased but I think the cave diving signals are the way to go. They are one handed signals that have been around a long time and are well standardized.
Standard Cave/Overhead signal for "Deco" (extended pinky finger from closed fist). A query to your buddy on Deco status would be "Question" (curved index finger signal); "Deco" (extended pinky finger); and then "You?" (point to buddy). Or indicate that you're in deco just by pointing to yourself & dive computer, and then signal "Deco" with the extended pinky finger. . .

Nice website on hand signals here . . .

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