Jailed for buying Sudafed her Instructor told her to get

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For this story, the references to Sudafed mean the old pseudoephedrine medicine, not the other med now being sold OTC under the Sudafed brand name.

This hits close to home for me as may have pushed the limits on buying pseudoephedrine at times solely for shopping convenience. The various pharmacists I've asked about the limits really weren't very informative, and it seemed like they were just trying to enforce requirements without actually understanding the various aspects. One I used to buy from would sell me several boxes of 24 count, 30 mg at a time, but now I know that Texas has a vague 2 package/day limit regardless of contents. Selling Pseudoephedrine Products That pharmacist kept a handwritten record and reported monthly so I hope I didn't raise any flags.

That link also lists federal purchase limits of 3.6 grams/day and 9 grams/month. I take hay fever meds daily and like to stock up on my monthly trips to Lubbock where I can find such cheaper than in Plainview, but I seldom spend the night so that won't work. I don't use more than 4 grams/month I don't guess, but I like to keep plenty on hand. Wow, this is all so detailed compared to the first several decades I took similar meds.

The state laws are stricter for this weird story and her son's actions complicated it a lot. Several newspapers are carrying a shorter version of the story that omit some important details, but I want to offer the longer one: Woman says innocent trip to Ala. spirals into meth charge | The Clarion-Ledger | clarionledger.com
Unless she wins her appeal, a Mississippi grandmother who spent $8.98 on a box of Sudafed must serve a year in jail.

For Diane Avera, a 45-year-old Meridian woman who does personal care for the sick, disabled and elderly, it has been a nightmare, she said. "I keep thinking I'm going to wake up, but I never do."

She is seeking a new trial in Demopolis, Ala., after being convicted of second degree intent to manufacture methamphetamine. If she loses, she plans to appeal to the Alabama Court of Appeals.

Crackdowns taking place across the nation on pseudoephedrine and other products used to make methamphetamine have caused her to become a "prisoner of the drug war going on inside America," said her husband, Keith. "When common household medications and disinfectants are now illegal to possess, I believe we have gone overboard with the drug laws."

In 2009, grandmother Sally Harpold was handcuffed and jailed in Indiana (How did Indiana get stuck in this story? Journalistic mistake I suppose?) after she bought a box of Zyrtec-D cold medicine for her husband and a box of Mucinex D cold medicine for her adult daughter in less than a week.

Mississippi has one of the nation's strictest laws, requiring a prescription to purchase pseudoephedrine.

Marshall Fisher, director of the Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics, said since the law's enactment, his agency has seen a 67 percent decline from the 960 meth labs it found the year before and an 80 percent decline in children endangered by meth labs.

While it is illegal to bring pseudoephedrine products back to Mississippi, authorities don't target those who do, unless they have been arrested in the past, he said.

"We have enough to say grace over without doing that silliness," he said. "The last thing we want to be responsible for is targeting grandma."

Avera, who has three grandsons, had no prior arrests. "The only thing I've ever had is a speeding ticket," she said.

On July 29, 2010, she was getting ready for a scuba diving trip in Panama City, Fla., with her husband and others.

Her scuba instructor, Bob Sample, had urged her to buy Sudafed or similar decongestant because she had ear trouble. "I told her to go get some three days out and get your sinuses dried up," he said.

After waiting too late to get a prescription, she stopped at the Walmart pharmacy in Meridian. There, she said, a clerk urged her to travel to Alabama, where Sudafed is sold over the counter.

She picked up her son and his girlfriend, who were living in Toomsuba. She also had two of her grandsons as well as the girlfriend's nephew.

They traveled to Demopolis, where police were conducting a sting operation. Pharmacists there informed police when anyone from Mississippi bought medicine containing pseudoephedrine.

Avera said she encouraged her son and girlfriend to each buy a box of Sudafed since they lacked health insurance. They stopped at CVS, where her son purchased Sudafed D.

She bought Sudafed at Walmart since she had a gift card, she said. She also bought crayons and glue sticks for her two grandsons starting school the next week.

After leaving Walmart, she said police officer Sgt. Tim Soronen pulled her over and asked, "What brings you to Demopolis?"

"I came over to buy some Sudafed for our scuba diving trip this weekend since we cannot buy it in Meridian anymore," she said she told him.

She said the officer asked if she knew it was against the law to cross the state line and buy Sudafed. It is against the law in Mississippi to bring back pseudoephedrine products from another state, but Alabama law permits those from other states to buy the medicine as long as they sign. (Then why is Alabama prosecuting her?)

"No, sir, I did not know," she said she replied.

"I need you to step out of the car," he said.

"For what? I swear I didn't know. What did I do?" she said she asked.

"You came to Demopolis to buy some Sudafed. Step to the back of the truck," she said he told her.

The officer pulled her son from the truck, handcuffed him and searched him, finding a bottle for methadone.

She said she explained her son has had drug problems and that the methadone is a prescription.

"So he's a drug user?" she said the officer asked her.

She acknowledged her son's drug woes and said the officer began digging through her purse and asked if she had any drugs.

"No, sir, I don't do drugs," she said she replied.

Digging beneath the truck seat, officers found a pouch full of drug paraphernalia for crack cocaine. (Her son testified he had hidden the pouch, which was his.)

She said the officer remarked, "Thought you don't do drugs."

"I don't do drugs," she said she replied.

After she saw the crying children placed in the squad car, she said the officer asked if she wanted him to go ahead and call the Alabama Department of Human Resources "to pick up these kids."

A scene from her youth flashed into her mind of her brothers being taken away from her family by state welfare officials, she said. "I begged the officer, 'Please don't do this.'"

By this point, about an hour after being pulled over, she said she began begging the officer, telling him she would admit to whatever police wanted as long as they would "let my son take my babies."

He told her she had to confess all the Sudafed was hers, thereby putting her over the legal limit in Alabama, she said. "They made me admit to a crime I did not commit."

She began her statement: "I picked up Larry and Shanna from there (sic) house and came to Demopolis to buy some Sudafed for myself ..."

She told The Clarion-Ledger, "They told me to add that I was making crystal meth so I did."

She ended her statement: "I did not know it was against the law to cross the state line to purchase Sudafed. I promise to never buy another box in my life."

Contacted for comment, Soronen would not discuss the case.

Police jailed her, charged with intent to manufacture crystal meth. She said they handcuffed her hands and legs to a metal chair for 17 hours.

During the three-day trial in Marengo County Circuit Court, prosecutors used her statement against her.

District Attorney Greg Griggers said Avera confessed she was buying pills to have them cooked so she could get meth.

While out on bond, Avera took voluntary drug tests, and none came back positive. Some tests listed her creatinine level (related to kidney function) as "abnormal."

Griggers argued she had provided diluted samples. "She would water it down so you couldn't test it," he told The Clarion-Ledger.

Avera's attorney, John Wiley Hartley of Montgomery, responded that no one who administered the tests ever claimed the samples were diluted.

Griggers said Avera admitted to authorities she started using meth with her daughter and had been using for two years.

"That's a lie," Avera responded.

She said she acknowledged her children have struggled with drugs and have gone into rehab, but that she has never used drugs.

If she fails in her appeals, she would face the prospect of going back behind bars, she said. "I still am facing 10 more months in jail if I don't win."

She said she is frightened about being cut off from her grandchildren. "I've practically raised my two grandsons."
It's a shame our society has reached this point.

I worked at a CVS in Indiana for 3 years. We always had people getting denied for Sudafed b/c they reached the monthly limit (in grams). Some looked legit, but most looked like they had a lab in the kitchen. It may be wrong to profile people, but meth users have certain physical characteristics that give them away. I've personally seen someone who looked like an addict come in with an older woman (looked like grandma), she bought the largest quantity of the CVS branded Sudafed along with her RX. I am certain the guy (grandson) was going to use it for drugs.

People who haven't been on the enforcement/prevention side of the OTC drug epidemic think its black and white. It's not. Those making meth do everything they can think of to get their ingredients. Sometimes innocent people get caught up in it. What she did was illegal by Mississippi law. What the trooper did is very wrong. A good lawyer should be able to keep her out of jail.

Here in Indiana, the RX has scan the back of your driver's license to ring up anything containing Psuedaphedrine. The date and qty you purchased goes in a state wide database. This country needs a national law and system like this to keep situations like this from happening. If you need more than the OTC legal limit, get a prescription.
Having used decongestants for decades, I initially viewed the restrictions to my daily OTC meds as a worthless inconvenience. I usually don't keep track of how much I bought and when, there is no way for me to look that up on the records used to bust someone, and my home dive bud even had me pick up pills for him at times. The companies can't market the meds like they used to so the choices have become limited and more pricey, and I really didn't think it'd slow the meth makers down much - altho it does seem to be helping. I still don't understand why combination pills with PSE + antihistamine are covered as I don't think the meth makers could use those, but maybe they could. :idk:

I guess it's high time for me to learn to cooperate with this system. The locally owned store that kept hand written records with monthly submissions really left me open to unintended abuse, but they're long gone now - so I guess I'll be safe only buying at the bigger stores with instant electronic tracking.

For this lady's story, we're only getting one side of course. From it, one would think that any lawyer could get her off, but she was convicted. Allowing the cop to search the vehicle was unavoidable with the children onboard, and I can understand her desperate feelings beyond that. All pretty messy.
Wow...I'm at a loss. I really doubt the validity of her claims. For her to say the officer told her to put in her statement that htey were going ot cook meth, and she did it...highly unlikely. Of the 15 years I worked as a cop, 2 of those years were on an undercover drug unit. More years than i care to rememebr were working major cases in CID. And whenever anybody was making a statement, it was their statement. We no more would suggest what to put in that statement, than we would tell them a good atorney that would help them get off the charges...it just doesnt happen. It sounds like her son left her dangling in the wind, and now she has to fight her way out and pick up the peices.

@Dandy Don- I use a generic OTC allergy pill from Wal-Mart that I use before dive trips. It's even safe for anybody who has high blood presure. It's a little yellow pill, and you can buy as many bottles as you need, at least at my wal-mart you can. Might be a suitable repalcement for the pseudofedrine.
First off, I'm with the person who said they doubt the story. It's just too convenient that she was in a car with a drug addict son, and it makes no sense that they ALL bought Sudafed "because they had no health insurance".

I work in an ER in a meth-ridden part of our state. Methamphetamine is by far and away the worst recreational drug there is -- it's worse than cocaine, and cocaine is bad. Meth causes strokes and heart attacks that disable young people. It causes stunning premature ageing, and meth addicts lose all their teeth. It also causes irrational behavior and aggression, and it is more powerfully addictive than heroin. The manufacture of meth is hazardous; the chemicals and the careless handling render properties which have been used for meth cooking hazmat sites, and I have seen more than one case of horrendous burns from meth house explosions, which often involve children. Although I am a Sudafed user from time to time, and I don't particularly ENJOY the process of having to go sign for the stuff, I approve wholeheartedly of efforts to make it more difficult to manufacture this ghastly material.
The way a pharmacist here in AZ explained it to me was that even though each pharmacy maintains a log, the log is not shared with other pharmacies of other chains. Therefore you could buy a box at walmart, a box at cvs, and so on without raising red flags. I think meth is a terrible blight, but when you're trying to stock up for a dive trip...
@Dandy Don- I use a generic OTC allergy pill from Wal-Mart that I use before dive trips. It's even safe for anybody who has high blood presure. It's a little yellow pill, and you can buy as many bottles as you need, at least at my wal-mart you can. Might be a suitable repalcement for the pseudofedrine.

I have ADD... ephedrine in any form makes me like a gerbil on crack. I think the pill you are refering to is called Chlor-Tab its a generic form of Chloratrimeton. That is the same pill that is in my bee sting kit. Cost is $2.72 for 100 pills totally legal. DD might want to experiment with the dosage though. I take one pill but I am five three, 120lbs. My 6 foot tall 160lb son takes two and sometimes three to dry him up.

Like others I find this woman's story quite suspect, or as we say in the South, that dog don't hunt.

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