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for this forum. I have yet to hear your thoughts on thread pulling etc. It will cease to be @ 5:00pm EST, today!!!
I hate to write and run but I am going skiing today so I will not beable to answer back.

Anyway, I know your asking but does it really matter what we want? I mean really. You've made it clear in several threads that this is your board and it's going to be run your way. Which is fine it is your board.

This will probably get me banned but thats my opinion FWIW.
No Scott, there is no conspiracy theory on the board. Things have already changed due to user input. I am sorry if you can't see that. Most who know me, will tell you that I am far more democratic than most. I believe that I have proven that in this forum as well. "I mean really."

I have asked for only two people to be perm banned... one for physical threats against a user and another for cyber threats against our board. I am pretty thick skinned when it comes to criticism. You have to be when you are as fat and ugly as I am. :eyebrow:
Hi Pete,

I've kept quiet in all the threads that turned into rants, and eventually gave up reading them. The same unreasonable complainers saying the same thing over and over again.

I think the proposed plans you posted elsewhere are sound and reasonable. Thanks for taking input from users. I whole-heartedly argree with you on not revealing details to a third party, which seems to be about the only thing you're not willing to budge on - good for you.

To you and the Mods - keep up the great work!

Happy Diving,
Scuba-sass :)
Well, I don't know exactly what you posted via thread pulling, but if you pull one, I think it would be nice to PM the originator and let them know about it, or anyone else who is intimately involved. If it's just one poast...PM the poster. The only exceptions would be the NDR and Humor....stuff that's off color or non-family oriented shouldn't need a reason other than "Not appropriate"
for this forum. I have yet to hear your thoughts on thread pulling etc. It will cease to be @ 5:00pm EST, today!!!

Why should we bother? It's obvious that if we give an opinion we'll be slammed by the vocal minority as whiners in an autocracy.
Lack of consistency is one problem. Most of the mods do a fine job with a light hand. One or two are very heavy handed. That heavy hand should end.
Dear Chrpai,

Surely you have "slammed" the board far more than the other way around. This forum (and thread) have never been about that. However, if you don't have an opinion on anything else that the board should consider, then that's alright too. No matter how open we are to change for the good of the community, some people will always throw darts instead of making constructive criticisms, and then claim they are going to be "banned" for that. No one has been banned for any such thing, but I doubt that I will ever get an "I'm sorry" for such unwarranted accusations. Thats OK, its a big board and we have room for just about everybody.

Spectre, you are TOO right... lots of "theories" and no facts to support them. It reminds me of that saying; "My mind is made up, don't confuse me with the facts!"

Scuba-Sass and all who do see that we are really trying to make this a community effort, I appreciate all the kind words. Sometimes it's easy to miss those in what seems to be a sea of criticism. It has been gratifying for many of us to go back through and see that even in the midst of controversey we have more friends than enemies. Even many of our critics are our friends, pointing out areas that they would like to see addressed and then showing patience as we try to determine what is best for the board and not just a few individuals. Unfortunately, as much as we would like, we simply can't incorporate every suggestion (many conflict with each other) or please every user on this board. Our Mission statemest says it best:
Mission Statement:
Welcome to a diverse online community of scuba diving enthusiasts dedicated to sharing the wonders of our underwater world in a safe, family oriented environment. Our focus is to advance safety, knowledge and enjoyment within the diving community by encouraging the mutual exchange of experiences, ideas and opinions. We sincerely hope you enjoy and benefit from your extended surface interval with us.
Lack of consistency is one problem. Most of the mods do a fine job with a light hand. One or two are very heavy handed. That heavy hand should end.

I will agree with Walter, and then some. There is one moderator here who I believe should retire. I won't mention any names. It's your board, Pete, so you can decide.

Just so that you don't get the wrong impression, let me further add that although several participants may have verbalized objections to Uncle Pug, he is not the person I am talking about. I really like Uncle Pug's posts, and his views although not always similar to my own are indeed sound.

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