Mares Volo??

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I have a pair of splits and love them, I saw the Mares Volo and they look great, are they any good? Will they be as good as my splits (nothing is better than my splits)??
i have volos and they are effortless, i can even frog kick with them. i have not used split fins but i also have jet fins and the volos dont have the power i had with the jets. just my 2 psi
Depends on what kinda split you have, personally I'll take volo race/power over any other fins. But if you have tusa xpert-zoom, scubapro twin jets, atomic split fins, or apollo bio fins, there's realli not much point in spending an extra 180 to get a pair of them.
Another thing I want to point out about the volos is that because of their design, they tend to erode faster than fins like jet fins, blade2, plana avanti, and razor fins.(Id estimate that they'd give out somewhere after 150 dives with moderate upkeep)
I love my Volo Power's. Great improvement over the original.

I too find frog kicking with them quite effortless.

Are you finding the inserts kinda loosening from the frame of the fin?
The tip of the two ridges are being torn away from the rubber/neoprene frame slowly but surely. I'm working on my AI right now so I constantly have to settle down on the bottom which fastens its deterioration, but I've seen people with the ip of the ridge(s) completely detatched from the frame but still work fine. =/ But I love my volos too and right now I don't see any reason why I would wanna buy anything else.
Mustapha Loves Guns:
I have a pair of splits and love them, I saw the Mares Volo and they look great, are they any good? Will they be as good as my splits (nothing is better than my splits)??

I love my Volo Powers. I have never dove splits but if it ain't broken don't fix it. See if you can rent a pair or borrow a pair and try before you buy. Of course since they are different than what you are used to try em 2wice or more.
The tip of the two ridges are being torn away from the rubber/neoprene frame slowly but surely. I'm working on my AI right now so I constantly have to settle down on the bottom which fastens its deterioration, but I've seen people with the ip of the ridge(s) completely detatched from the frame but still work fine. =/ But I love my volos too and right now I don't see any reason why I would wanna buy anything else.

There was an issue at one time with the Dacor Tiger hinges, so I'm wondering if this may be something that Mares is addressing with the Volos.

Perhaps a call to them or email would be in order?
It's not the hinges that's coming's the inserts on the fin blade.

Happy to hear it doesn't really affect performance. And really, I'm not sure why it really would. My bf has a pair of Quattros that looked like he's tried to eat them for lunch, and they still work perfectly!
I have a pair of Volos and I like them, but I'm a bigger guy and they aren't well suited to push larger folks through the water - they just start to bend and I go no where. If I know I'm going to be in calm water with no current or surge they work fine. I will be switching them out for a pair of Jet fins soon.
I tried a pair of volos the other day and felt like I was riding an excercycle. Pedalling like crazy and not going anywhere, because of the hinge, you cannot back up and they suck at sculling.

Personally, I think if you cut the bit off below the hinge with a pair of shears, you would get similar performance. Giovanni, the cheif engineer at Mares should be ashamed, they are an over designed piece of Cr*p whose main function is the aesthetics of the wow they look cool factor.

Whatever you think, try them yourself before you make up your mind. That was just my experience of them and yours could be completely different.

I personally have a couple of favorite fins:

Cressi free frogs (hard to find now though)
Technisub blades (the fin that will survive the nuclear holocaust)
My trusty Fallaron superlight Jets.

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