Question Need help with improving my Itinerary - Miami/Destin Dive trip

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San Mateo
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0 - 24
Hello Community,

I'll be in Florida from the 23rd of December to 31st. I need some help with planning my itinierary. Looking forward to some feedback and suggestions to improve!

Dec 23 - Dec 24: Wreck diving certification course with the South Florida Diving Headquarters.
Dec 25 - Dec 26: Dive in the Miami/Key West area. Some options in my mind:
  1. USS Spiegel Grove, Duane Wrecks and SS Copenhagen (If not already done as part of the certification course)
  2. Molasses Reef
  3. Blue Heron Bridge
Dec 27 - Dec 28 Drive across Florida to Destin or Panama City Bridge.
Dec 29 - Dec 31 3-4 dives (or more).
Jan 1 - Fly out from the Panama City

My questions:
  1. Is the Panhandle Florida good time to dive at that time of the year? I gather that the water is cold. I don't have the dry suit certificaiton. What are some good options to dive?
  2. Any other interesting certificaiton courses I could do either in South Florida or in the Northwest Florida? I am getting AOW later this month (November). I am interested in the marine conservation efforts, so was considering doing one of the PADI AWARE conservation courses - but not sure if I have time to do that in my trip.
  3. [Non Scuba question!] Anything fun to while I am driving across the state? I am into hiking, biking and general outdoor adventurous stuff!
Thanks in Advance!
I was with a group diving wrecks in the Pensacola area last weekend; water temps in the high 60s; most people did fine in 5mm and 7mm wetsuits. The challenge in the panhandle, which is also a challenge everywhere in Florida this time of year, is that high winds and seas will frequently preclude boat diving. My group had four days of boat diving booked; the boat only went out on the last two days .
Dec 27 - Dec 28 Drive across Florida to Destin or Panama City Bridge.
There are a TON of people that stay home to celebrate opening new toys on Dec 25th. On the 26th they go back to the stores to return the Crud they won't use. Then on the 27th they get on I-75 & the turnpike with their new toys and jam it up tighter than a 10 car rear-ender accident. You should plan for double the Google predicted travel time (& bring snacks while parked on a 70mph lane)

What are some good options to dive?

  1. [Non Scuba question!] Anything fun to while I am driving across the state? I am into hiking, biking and general outdoor adventurous stuff!
There are many many freshwater springs along your travel route. Ginnie Springs is very near I-75 and big enough that it should not be " at capacity" during that busy week. Or it should be cold enough to kayak Crystal River 3 Sisters and talk underwater to a Manatee.
Two thoughts immediately come to mind reading your itinerary.

1. I don't think you are properly accounting for the distances between sites and travel times. For example, Dec 25-26 you put down potentially the Spiegel Grove and Blue Heron Bridge. Those two sites are 3 hrs apart on a good day.

2. The best (saltwater) diving in Florida is in the Southeast from Jupiter south to Key Largo. I'm not sure I understand why you are driving across the entire state (it is a HUGE state by the way) to fly out of Pensacola. Driving from Miami to Pensacola is easily a 12 hr drive accounting for stops for food and such, much more with traffic. That drive, which I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, can EASILY take you 15 hrs+ with holiday traffic. Why???
Thank you all for the responses. I do see I didn't consider a lot of things, specially the traffic due to the holiday season :)
Florida this time of year, is that high winds and seas will frequently preclude boat diving

I didn't know about this, thanks for the heads up. I shouldn't plan such a tight schedule and keep some buffer days in between.

You should plan for double the Google predicted travel time
That's a good point! The maps show 10 hours, so my estimate was that it will be 5 hours of driving on each of the two days planned! But given the holiday traffic, it doesn't seem like a good idea anymore :)
I'm not sure I understand why you are driving across the entire state (it is a HUGE state by the way) to fly out of Pensacola

I love to drive, but I hadn't thought of the traffic. I wanted to dive in that part of Florida as well.
This is really helpful. Let me rework on my itinerary and get back here. Anyone who can comment on the wreck diving course?
Anyone who can comment on the wreck diving course?

South Florida Dive Headquarters is a charter operator. I don't know anyone who has trained with them. I know many instructors who use them. Perhaps you are training with one of those?

Question for you. How did you select your instructor? Have you interviewed them regarding the course, what you expect to get out of it, how they conduct the course, etc.? If not, I highly recommend you do so and go from there.

ADDITION: I just checked their website and see they do offer instruction. I have no clue who their instructors are. Perhaps they subcontract instruction to Force-E or other local instructors? I'm honestly not sure. I'm curious being in California, how you settled on South Florida Dive Headquarters for your wreck diving instruction?
Dec 23 - Dec 24: Wreck diving certification course with the South Florida Diving Headquarters.
Dec 25 - Dec 26: Dive in the Miami/Key West area. Some options in my mind:
  1. USS Spiegel Grove, Duane Wrecks and SS Copenhagen (If not already done as part of the certification course)
  2. Molasses Reef
  3. Blue Heron Bridge
Dec 27 - Dec 28 Drive across Florida to Destin or Panama City Bridge.
Dec 29 - Dec 31 3-4 dives (or more).
Jan 1 - Fly out from the Panama City

This sounds like Xmas week madness.
Key Largo (Spiegel Grove and Duane) is about 2+, closer to 3 hours drive from Pompano Beach. My advice would be to stay in Pompano Beach or WPB area for the most part if not all of your trip (unless you HAVE to get to the panhandle area). As others mentioned, Jupiter to LBTS and then upper keys are the best places to dive in SE FL period (cave peeps may disagree! :) ), especially in the winter time (water temps remain in high 70's due to Gulf Stream proximity). Dozens of decent wrecks there too. And you can add Nitrox cert to your list of goals too, very useful. We are going to be in Pompano Beach Dec 26th through Jan 3rd too.
I would not even attempt to achieve that driving schedule of yours honestly speaking - you are basically talking about Santa Rosa to San Diego trip in a bad traffic conditions...

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