No Gloves allowed? Is that standard

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James Goddard:
Hmm. New member. Entering a spirited discussion with first post. Familiar dancing monkey.....sockpuppet?

Anyway, anyone who condones abusing nature because of a lack of skils....well, it's just pathetic....


That was rude of you to this person.. and especially to me. If you think he/she is a sock puppet, then please report to mods. I'm sure they are well equipped to handle that (but, in this case, there is no sock puppet)
I personally like to wear gloves for a few different reasons. One is beacuse I pay quite a lot of have my fingers nails manicured before I leave for a trip, and everyday. I think the gloves protect me!

Secondly, holding onto a rope just seems 'nicer' with gloves on for wreck diving.

A Jon line helps with holding onto a rope too, and saves your grip as well. I never dive without one.

Long beautiful nails huh? Guess I never would have thought of that.
Not sure where the monkey came from - it was in the smiles list and I thought it was cute.

I do not in any way condone deliberately harming nature (legimitite sporting, hunting, etc excepted) - develop the skills to avoid the accident whenever possible or don't go. However, accidents do happen and you won't see many sane motorists forgoing their seat belts in order to respect the rights of the tree they hit when departing the road.....

I see no reason why someone new to Scubaboard can't join into a spirited discussion.

Tough welcome to the boards...Not all will be quite so condescending, this really is a great board (lots of good info and friendly folks).

Welcome aboard Skyking! Throw a post out in the "Introductions and Greetings" section and I'm sure Dandy Don will give a warmer, friendlier greeting than you recieved here.

OK guys..I tried to lighten things up talking about my long beautiful nails, but alas, this thread has been reported.
Let's take a deep breathe and calm down a bit shall we?
OK guys..I tried to lighten things up talking about my long beautiful nails, but alas, this thread has been reported.
Let's take a deep breathe and calm down a bit shall we?

Actually, I do the opposite, regarding nails. I trim mine closely, a few days before I go diving, so that I dont end up with any hangnails, from tearing them. The water makes them softer, and then they tear easy. Especially on the boat exit ladder, particularly when the boat is rocking a lot.

Same issue with toenails, might as well trim them too as long as I am at it, so I do. (Scuba hygiene).

It also makes sense to wear sox under your booties on tropical dives so that you dont give yourself blisters from your fins, if you end up kicking a lot, like swimming back to the boat after getting washed down-current.

Somebody "reported" long beautiful nails? What is up with that??
Kisses and hugs to all:Kissy:
Fingernail! WHAT Fingernails.
We don't need no stinking fingernails. :Wizard:
What was we talking about :wink:
James Goddard:
Nor do I see sane motorists turning on the heater in case they hit a tree. Big difference between a seatbelt, an item designed for saftey, and gloves/wetsuit, an item designed to keep you warm. Find a better analogy....
An interesting perception. I wear exposure protection for safety. If I can achieve "warmth" that's a bonus. The only times I wear gloves are (1) it's so cold I'll lose the use of my hands without them, or (2) the dive includes dealing with sharp or abrasive objects. (artifact collecting, wrecking, or spearfishing, for example)
So, for me, the analogy's just fine, thank you.
Now, as to the banning of gloves on delicate warm-water sites where there is no need to wear them, I approve. If your skills are not up to avoiding injury from touching the coral, you need to modify your behavior (stay out of reach) until you develop the requisite skills to avoid injury without gloves. For those of us who have been lucky enough to dive a popular site over time, since before it became popular, we can attest to the degradation of that site popularity brings - and steps taken to lower the impact to the site - like banning gloves - are appropriate, and delay the other alternative, which is the closing of the site entirely. Would you rather enjoy the site from a distance just beyond your reach or from the glass-bottom boat?

That was rude of you to this person.. and especially to me. If you think he/she is a sock puppet, then please report to mods. I'm sure they are well equipped to handle that (but, in this case, there is no sock puppet)
Well, it looks like a duck, walks like a a duck, and quacks like a duck so I asked if it was a duck. If that's rude, so be it. Thin skins and the internet really don't get along.

As for me I'm done with this particular argument. It's clear that some people in this thread don't really care about reefs and are not going to change their mind. It's too bad for the rest of us, but as you so aptly pointed out, there's nothing I can do about it.
this thread has been reported
Hmm, no profanity, bullying, threats, personal attacks, obvious trolls, or flaming. One has to wonder why.

Maybe it is the "Posts advocating or condoning illegal activity are also not allowed on SB." rule that is being violated? :wink:

James Goddard:
Hmm, no profanity, bullying, threats, personal attacks, obvious trolls, or flaming.
Somebody doesn't agree with this assessment - incredible, ain't it? Thin skins and the internet may not go well together, but the solution isn't just for some folks to grow thicker skins but also for everyone to take some greater than usual pains to be civil.

Shrillness and stridency rarely settle disagreements; unfortunately they often end the discussion. This would be a good time for all of us involved in this thread to invoke the other Rule #1: when things start getting tense, remember to stop, breathe and think before acting.

Before we need to reach for the blood pressure meds, let's take a short break. There will be plenty of paste-eating doo-doo heads around tomorrow if we still feel the need to pound the rhetorical snot out of somebody and steal their lunch money. :11:

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