PADI Specialty requirements online?

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I have a question. Why are manuals for specialty courses "optional?" I took a course and was told that it was up to the discretion of the instruction whether or not to give us a manual. I had to fight like heck to get one from my instructior for my wreck specialty course. I like to be able to refer to the skills necessary when I want to practice them.
I have a question. Why are manuals for specialty courses "optional?" I took a course and was told that it was up to the discretion of the instruction whether or not to give us a manual. I had to fight like heck to get one from my instructior for my wreck specialty course. I like to be able to refer to the skills necessary when I want to practice them.

PADI requires students for many courses (OW, Rescue, Nitrox, leadership-level) to have their own set of manuals and tells instructors not to lend out materials in the interests of course quality. It is merely "recommended" for most specialty courses but PADI strongly encourages students to have their own materials.

Sounds like it's a money thing. Was the manual supposed to be included in the course fee? If so then they are trying to make more profit by not giving you what you paid for. If not, then it's your responsibility to pay for them and you can buy them on your own anywhere if your shop doesn't have them in stock.
Some LDS offer 'bundled' pricing which includes course fees, any additional fees (such as the boat for any course dives) and required course materials, such as manuals. Some offer 'a la carte' pricing for each individual component. In either case a resonsible LDS will spell out what is, or is not, included and any additional fees that the student can expect to see, such as entrance fees to the local quarry. If your shop charged you for a wreck course and included the manual in the cost, then it should be yours. Since it is 'recommended' but not 'required' by course standards your Instructor would not force you to purchase it. If you feel it would be of benefit then it is your choice.
Having your own materials is optional but highly recommended.

It is optional because:
Knowledge development can be accomplished through a classroom lecture session and completion of Knowledge Reviews in class. All material can be delivered in a formal lecture session from an outline in the Specialty Instructor Manual and any additional training aids available. This is time consuming, but very thorough.

It is recommended because:
You can complete your knowledge development in advance of the class at your own pace. The classroom session will simply go over the completed Knowledge Review and elaborate on any subject you or the Instructor feels need further study. This saves a tremendous amount of time and allows you to complete your knowledge development at your own comfortable pace. You will also be able to reference your materials later to refresh your memory.

Some courses, like Enriched Air Diver, require the student to read the manual AND watch the video (plus pass an exam), but for most, owning your own crewpack (book/DVD) greatly simplifies the knowledge development and builds your reference library.
The "recommended" course manuals also takes into account that there are still just a few specialities without their own manual. Also "recommended" issue comes in when the training materials don't exist in the primary language of the student. Not all PADI materials are translated into the countless languages of the many countries where PADI is represented.

If you've got questions about a course, talk to the Instructor about what is involved as well as the pricing, inclusion of book or how much it is if optional, etc. Intructors are generally a pretty open group of folks.

The secret hand-shake probably involves a beer mug.:cheers:

Is there a web site ,that an average diver can access, that will give the requirements for the PADI specialty couses?

The PADI web site provides a description of all the specialty courses, as well as any pre-requisites, but not the specific course standards and requirements

All most all of the PADI Specialty courses have an associated manual that gives all the requirements of the couses. You can buy these manuals at you local dive store, probably bundled with the specialty course.

I only have the instructor manual but if I had the specialty manual I'd be glad to send specifics to anybody who wants them:lotsalove:. Check out ebay there's usually one on there. May be a little out of date but what the hey. If I should happen to acquire one through said ebay source on cd I'll be happy to send sections to whoever asks. Hell, if I get one in print I'll fire up the scanner and send em to ya.

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