Rain in Cancun in June time frame?

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Tampa FL
My family is thinking about a week in June of diving in Cancun/Cozumel/Playa del Carmen. The mrs does not dive so she will be shopping in Cancun.
I heard the wet season for Cancun started in May and last till Sep/Oct. Is that true?
Will that affect the diving at all? I know the mrs won't be happy if it rains the whole time she is there :frown:
there really is no wet season in Cancun.

when it rains here, it is rarely for more than a few minutes, and it doesnt affect the diving whatsoever, the nearest river is in Belize..
Just a thougt - if it does rain and the boats don't go out beacue of the weather, you can always dive the cenotes on those days.
I only have a couple of summers here, but like Mark said, there really is no wet season. The forcast is always the same, day in day out: 33 C and thundershowers. Typically what happens about every 3rd day you get about 10 - 20 minutes of down pour and then sunshine.

Don't worry about a rainy season here.
Just a thougt - if it does rain and the boats don't go out beacue of the weather, you can always dive the cenotes on those days.

Heck, why take a chance with boat diving? Winds, rain, nasty fish, diesel fumes, crowded dive sites all the things that can ruin a dive. Just stick to diving the Cenotes and you'll be much happier :eyebrow:
The rain fall in june and sept is the highest 2 months all year. Over 14 inches in June and sept. I remember last June we had 29 inches in 8 hours. July and Aug are a lot dryer, but its hurricane season and anything can and might happen

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