Short/Long term goals...

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Reached My 2nd Goal!
Reaction score
Houston, Texas, United States
# of dives
100 - 199
What are your short/long term goals of participating in the ScubaBoard fitness Challenge?

My first goal was to step on a scale and weigh less then 300lbs. I thought I weighed around 335lbs, and it would be take some time to reach the first goal. Much to my surprise, I started the challenge at "only" 310.5lbs.

This has really jump started my fitness challenge, and I have done stuff I wouldn't have done in the past. This includes walking every day including late at night, and in the rain. Today I did two 1.5 mile walks..So I'm working hard to reach the first goal, and hope to report success shortly.

My long term goal is to keep this up for at least another 100lbs.

So if you feel like sharing you're goals post away.
Short term goal - I have a couple of shorts/wind pants I want to get into before my dive trip to Belize the end of May. Plus our daughter is getting married the middle of June so I need a dress for that.

Long term goal - 75 pound lost - which will make me physically feel so much better.

I love it - if you look at the guys post they all tell you what they weigh and what they want to loose or get down too. If you look at the ladies post they will tell you what they want to loose or a goal weight but not both! And never what they weigh right now. Just an observation.

Short range goal: lose 1-2 pounds per week. I want to get more fit for the diving season, and feel more comfortable in a bathing suit.

Long range goal: lose a 60 pounds. Will be happy with 50 tho.
I'm hoping to lose about 15 pounds... But also not just to lose the weight, but to tone up as well (especially around the abs... ugh!). No specific short-term goals, just that one goal to aim for.
Short term goal is to be what I weighed on my wedding night 4 years ago, June 17th 2000.
So that means 13 pounds by my 4th anniversary June 17th 2004.

Long term goal is to be in my old size 10 jeans by DEMA (Dive convention) Oct. 16th in Houston.
Short term goal: Increase my fitness level!
Long Term Goal: By increaing my fitness I should get off this plateau I've been on since Sept! I need to lose 70lbs. I have lost 30 already. If I can only lose 10 lbs in this challenge, then I'll be happy. A little at a time if better then nothing!! Oh and if I lose 10lbs, I'll be under 200lbs!!
My short term goal was to lose ten percent of my body weight. Now, I am just going to try to stay on program, stick with my weight loss/life changes, and keep losing weight/toning up. I consider it a short term goal because it is one week at a time. My longterm goal is to go down to 200lbs by next year. Maybe have to buy a new dive suit :frown:
Short term, getting rid of the spare tire before Tahiti (seems to be a long term thing though).

Long term, Staying with it for life. :wink:
Short term goal is to break through this weight range I have been hovering in for the last 6 months. I would like to lose atleast 1 pound a week on this challenge. If I do that for the next two months I will be down another 8 lbs which will put me into a new range of weight.

Long term goal I would like to me at my goal weight by July 12th, that is my birthday and one week before I go to Fantasy Island, Roatan for a week of diving.

Becky, I noticed that too about the men and women. I wonder why? :wink:
Short term? Lose 50# 274 to 224, better fit for the drysuit

Long term? Just generally feel better about myself, more energy, not having weight be an "issue" (i.e., called "big guy", worried about weight restrictions on other activities), increase fitness level


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