Speak Spanish & Have a Disability? Adaptive Scuba May Help...

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DiveHeart Instructor
Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Do you know someone with a disability who speaks only Spanish? If you think they might want to learn about the benefits of Scuba Therapy, Zero Gravity and Adaptive Scuba send them this link to Diveheart's Adaptive Diver Manual in Spanish. It may change their life...better yet but it for them as a gift... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QYDQDGD/ref=sr_1_3…#hope #healing #scubatherapy #disabilities #rehabilitation #zerogravity#adaptivescuba


Diveheart Buceo Adaptado
El programa de certificación Buceo Adaptado de Diveheart incorpora los adelantos más recientes en materia de técnicas, capacitación y teoría del buceo adaptado. Diveheart está revolucionando la capacitación de buceo adaptado en todo el mundo para instructores, c...

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